six - party

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12:56 PM

The doorbell rang and I rushed to the door. "Hey Lou" I greet Lou, my makeup and hair artist.

"Mandy had me give this dress to you, and I'm here to do your makeup and hair" she says as if I don't know and I move aside to let her in.

"Wait, for what?" I ask her, no one told me about an event "You and Calum are going to a celebrity party today" she smiles and I nod slowly.

"You'll be there, right?" I ask, I like having her around and she nods.

2:03 PM

Lou has made my hair wavy and designed my outfit.

She put light makeup on my face, but this time she added some eyeliner to make my hazel eyes pop out.

"Okay, I'll be going now, hope you have a good night" she says and I wave goodbye to her as she lets herself out.

As I was getting my hair done, Mandy texted in the group chat saying that Calum and I are going to be arriving in a limo with the rest of his band, Lauren and Riley.

Riley was already invited, she is actually a famous model, I guess I forgot to mention it.

Riley will be coming back with her hair and makeup done once she comes back from her modelling session and Lauren wanted to do her own.

4:44 PM

All of us are in the limo, enjoying the snacks and champagne.

Lauren immediately pushed Ashton to the side to sit beside Michael.

"Drink?" Luke asks "yeah, this one" I say, deciding I'll actually have some fun tonight and pull out a large bottle of some french champagne that I love and always drink when the limo company puts it in.

"No, this one" Calum holds up a different one. "No this one is better" I argue, trying to convince him.

"No, you clearly don't know anything about drinks, this one is better" he says "I know quite a few things actually and I know this is better" I tell him.

"Shut up" Riley exclaims. "You guys always fight, what's up with that?" she adds, clearly fed up.

Me too, Ry

Calum and I look to each other, and shrug. "That's what couples do?" I say more as a question.

They all double over in laughter "You guys are the worst fake couple ever" Michael says as his laughing behind to calm down.

"Yeah" I sigh and look to Calum "We are going to act better if we're gonna have people believing this 'relationship'" I tell him and he nods, agreeing.

At least we agree on something.

The limo is stopped and we are in front of the building the party is being held.

"We're here" the driver announces and we all pile out of the car, ready for the night.

"Let's party, woo!" I say and they all look at me like I'be done something odd. "What? I don't usually go to parties" I tell them.

"We can tell" Calum laughs and I hit his arm.

He grabs my hand, since there is paps everywhere and I see so many other celebrities.

"Oh my god, it's one direction" I whisper in Calum's ear excitedly. "So..?" And I blankly stare at him, he clearly doesn't understand the whole fangirl thing.

"How the hell are we fake dating?" I mumble to myself.

"Okay, I'm going to talk to some hot girls so.. bye" he says, kisses me on the cheek and walks towards a group of models.

He looks them up and down and hugs one of them. He touches her butt as they hug and my blood boils for a second but I recover once I notice.

"Pervert" I mumble and for some reason, I feel angry and sad that he left, I don't mind that it was for pretty girls but then he touched her butt and that made me feel...weird. Since there is so many cameras, he'll get caught.

I have to stop thinking about this, and I steal a drink from a tray that a server was holding.

I chug down the drink and grab another one, especially because it was a cool red and orange colour and there was a little umbrella sticking out of it and a swirly straw.

I twirl the straw around my mouth and tongue and my tongue tingles as the liquid touches it.

I completely forgot about Calum until I find him in the corner, making out with some random girl.

This boy is dumber than I thought he was.

Before I know what I'm doing, I'm stomping over to Calum. I pull them both apart.

"Calum, what the hell?" I exclaim and pull him away from the girl. He gives her a small wave before he turns away.

"Let go of my shirt, your going to rip it" he complains "It's already ripped" I roll my eyes, referring to the small rips on his shirt.

"Paps or anyone could have seen you and took a picture and rumours of you cheating or something could go around and the whole point of this stupid thing is to clear up rumours" I tell him and he just shrugs, like he doesn't care at all.

I hit his head lightly, that might knock some sense into him. "Be smarter next time, and stay away from me the rest of the night" I tell him "That won't be hard" he tells me.

"Gosh, I hate you" I mutter at him "I hate you too" He narrows his eyes at me and the anger inside me is just bubbling until I push past him and try to find my friends. Actual friends.

I find Ashton, Luke and Riley, drinking, talking and dancing. Having a great time.

Calum just has to ruin my mood.

Instead of approaching the three, I make my way to the bar.

Hours pass, and I'm pretty drunk.

"Hey Lukey Pukey" I slur and laugh drunkily. "Ew Pukey" I make a disgusted face and he laughs at me.

"Don't wander off, I'm going to get you some water" he says and doesn't turn away until he's close to the bar.

Once he comes back, he is holding two cups. I take one from his hands and bring it to my lips, assuming it's for me.

"No, Char that's--" I chug the rest down "not water" he finishes the rest of his sentence.

It burns my throat and I am taken aback because I thought it was water.

I wander off and I hear someone scream and a whole crowd of people around someone and I can't see through the crowd.

I got curious, so I made my way over to the crowd. I lightly pushed passed some people, and found an unconscious Calum laying on the ground.

I rush to his side "Why are you all staring and doing nothing?" I literally scream, the alcohol in my veins catching up to me.

I check his pulse and thankfully he's still breathing. I call an ambulance and quickly, he is being rushed into an ambulance and I sit in there with him.

Luke, Ashton, Michael, Riley and Lauren are in then limo, behind the ambulance.

I hold Calum's hand and my eyes are glassy. I hope he's okay, I mean I know he won't die but I feel scared and worried for him. Especially since the last words I said to him were 'I hate you'.

I might argue with him a lot, but that doesn't mean I don't care about him.

"He's going to be okay" A nurse in a blue uniform assures me.

I pull barley a half smile onto my face "Are you two dating?" she asks and I look at her and take a moment to respond "Yeah"

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