Chapter 3

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~Lucy's P.O.V.~
Natsu halted, staring up at the mountain. "We're here." He murmured, then started trekking up the hiking trail. Up and up the mountain they went, and colder and colder the air got.
Lucy rubbed her hands together and blew on them, desperately trying to warm herself up. Natsu looked at her. "You should have packed warmer clothes." He commented.
"I didn't know it would be this cold!" Lucy exclaimed.
"I said we were going to the mountains." Natsu said.
Lucy looked at the ground, ashamed. "I know..." She muttered.
"Typical blonde." Natsu chuckled. "Why don't you call in your Clock-Guy spirit?"
"One: his name isn't 'Clock-guy',and two: he isn't available right now, the last time I summoned him he told me he wasn't going to be available for a couple weeks." Lucy said, once again rubbing her hands together.
Then something soft and thin hit her in the face, and she pulled it off. "Your scarf!" She gasped. "Here, take it back. You'll be cold, plus Igneel gave it to you."
"No, it's alright. After all, I am a fire dragon slayer. I'm constantly producing heat. You need it, so use it. I'm sure Igneel wouldn't mind." Natsu said ,showing a toothy grin. His cheeks were colored a light pink.
Lucy blushed. "Thanks, Natsu." She wrapped the scarf around her, and soon she was much warmer.
"Now, if you two lovebirds are done chit-chatting, we're here." Erza said, looking at a huge, dark cave.
"What?! Lovebirds?! We aren't-" Natsu and Lucy said at the same time, then they both broke off to look at each other.
"Did you read my mind, Lucy?" Natsu stared at her curiously.
"What? How can I? I mean - no!" Lucy said.
"Great minds think alike!" Natsu said with a smile, and Lucy, too, grinned.
The three Fairy Tail wizards walked into the cave, looking around curiously.
"Let's stop here for the night." Erza said. All three mages flopped on the floor, exhausted.
Lucy found a dip in the cave wall where she crawled in, and surprisingly found that it was warm. She pulled Natsu's scarf over her mouth, and closed her eyes.
When she awoke, she felt something warm next to her, and turned her head to see Natsu, sleeping peacefully. She looked around, and saw Erza leaning against a wall, sleeping.
Lucy sighed, at least everyone's safe, she thought as she closed her eyes once more.
"Lucy, wake up." Lucy blinked open her eyes to find Natsu staring at her. "We need to get moving." he said. Lucy stood up and stretched.
"Guys! Over here!" Erza said.
Lucy and Natsu walked over to her. "What is it?" Natsu asked.
"Footprints! Big ones! It looks like there's two pairs." Erza said excitedly.
"What are we waiting for? Let's follow one, and we can follow the other track later." Natsu said, practically jumping up and down with anticipation for a fight.
The three mages follow the first set of tracks. "I don't think it's here -" Lucy was cut off by a loud roar. The large monster ran at them, Lucy didn't know what it was, for she had never seen one.
It had brown fur, with huge, black paws. In fact, the monster itself was huge, every step it took shook the floor.
Natsu stood in front of Lucy. "I can take care of myself, you know. Both of you, stand back and save your magic energy for the next monster." Lucy said.
Natsu and Erza stood back, and Lucy took out a golden key. "Open! Gate of the Giant Bull! Taurus!"
"Yes, cutie?" The bull said.
"Take that monster out, please." Lucy said.
"Okay, I'll show him some mooooves!" Taurus said.
As Taurus beat the nasty brute, Lucy walked over to Natsu and Erza. "See? I took care of myself." Lucy said.
"I guess." Natsu said.
"He's taken care of, Lucy!" Taurus said.
"Thanks, Taurus." Lucy said.
"How about a smooooch for a reward?" The giant bull said.
"In your dreams." Lucy said, Rolling her eyes.
" 'Till next time!" Taurus said, and disappeared.
"Now, let's go track the other one down." Erza said. "Keep in mind that the footprints were much larger, so Lucy can't take it on alone."
"At least I beat this one." Lucy muttered.
"I'm pretty sure Taurus did it for you." Natsu said, laughing.
"Whatever." Lucy said, rolling her eyes.
As they followed the footprints, they were led into a huge cave.
"Wow! Let's explore!" Natsu exclaimed, jumping up and down like a child.
"This isn't the time for exploration." Erza said sternly.
"Oh come on! Just for a -" Natsu's sentence was cut off by a loud roar that shook the ground. The brute stumbled into sight, pounding its chest in anger. The three wizards looked up, ready for a fight.
"Open! Gate of the Lion! Leo!" Lucy said, waving a golden key.
"Hey Lucy, whatcha need?" The orange-haired celestial spirit said.
"We've got to take care of this monster, can you help?" Lucy replied.
"Of corse." Loke said, cracking his knuckles. He ran at the monster, throwing punch after punch. The monster roared in anger, swiping the air. Just as Loke was about to deal another blow, the monster hit him with such strength the spirit went flying.
"Loke!" Lucy said, rushing to his side. Loke clutched his side. "I'm sorry Lucy, I need to go." The spirit said through clenched teeth, and disappeared. He'll be okay, he just needs to heal, Lucy thought.
"Lucy!" Natsu shouted.
Too late.
Lucy was thrown aside. She hit the wall, and her vision went blurry. She was so dangerously low on magic energy that she couldn't get up. Natsu knelt beside her.
"Are you ok? Anything broken?" Natsu said worriedly.
"In fine... just need to rest for a bit..." Lucy said weakly.
"Okay...if you say so..." Natsu said, uncertainty in his voice. He turned and threw himself at the monster.
"This is for hurting Lucy!" Natsu yelled.

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