Chapter 12

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"Okay class since it is near Thanksgiving you and your partner will be making pies. I know this is a Chemistry class but damn it I am hungry." Mr. Harris says. "Each of you need at least three pies by Thursday."

Ella looked at Athony not knowing what they were going to do. Neither of them could cook.

Quickly Athony grabbed his phone and proceeded to call his mother who had a great idea.

"So my mom said we could use her cook book but we would have to run home and get it. So if you wan-" 

"Mr. Harris. You see my friend here Anthony has the best pie recipe at his house and I have the other best at mone could we run to our homes and get them?" Ella asks interrupt Anthony.

Mr. Harris said they could but they would have to be back before lunch. So they moth gathered their things and took off.

Once they were in Anthony's car they drove to Ella's house wich was only hardly even a minute drive. They both got out and went inside. After they set their stuff down a lady appeared from around the corner.

She appeared short with grey shoulder length hair. The lady was wearing what looked to be like business clothes and carried a bag.

"Ella dear why are you home from school and why do you have a boy with you?" She asked.

"Mom. This is Anthony and we came to ask if we could borrow your Mississippi mud and Sugar Cream pie recipes. We are making pies in Chemistry for the holiday and we dont know how to make a pie." Ella says.

"Oh well yes you can but please don't loose them. And it's nice to meet you Anthony. You can call me Danielle."

"Nice to meeting you Danielle." Anthony says shaking her hand.

Once Ella had went and grabbed the recipes they got back in the car and went to Anthony's house.

It was about a 30 minute drive from her house. Partially because he lived on the other side of town.

Upon arrival they both got out and went inside. Anthony's mother wasn't home so he just took the books and headed out the door.

"Wait Anthony where do you keep paper and a pencil?" Ella says looking around.

Anthony didn't even know where he kept stuff in his own house so he decided to grab her some from his room. Once he came up he gave Ella the paper and pencil and she wrote a note.

"Dear Anthony's mother,

My name is Ella and I came by today with your son to pick up your pie recipes for a school assignment. I will make sure they dont get lost and or damaged. So sorry for intruding.

Many thanks,

"I can't believe you were actually going to take them and not at least leave some kind of warning. You could of at least sent your mother a text saying 'Hey mom came by during school to pick up your recipe book for an assignment. Love you see you later'. Jesus I swear to God. I bet your mother raised you better than that."

Anthiny just stood there and laughed. Ella was confused.

"What's so funny??" She asks looking him dead in the eye.

"Did you forget I called my mother during class?"

Ella looked away realizing she did indeed forget. She apologized but still left the note.

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