Chapter 35: Goodbye with consequences

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Bang and Yedam had packed all the boxes into the car and locked the front door of the house in the meantime. They were just waiting for Chan to finish saying goodbye to Byungho. Chan saw his mother smile apologetically when his eyes met her. She probably felt a little bad to separate her eldest son from his mate.

"Come and visit us at the moon pack territory when you are able to, Byungho", Chan's mother said when Chan walked to the car. "I will", the brown-haired male with a little smile which was mirrored by Mrs. Bang.

The three wolf hybrid's bid their goodbyes to Byungho and then drove off. It was a simple goodbye, see you again soon but was it really?


Byungho waved a little after the car of the Bang family before he walked back were he came from and that was the forest not far away from the Bang's house. This was especially strange because the Kim mansion was located in the opposite direction but the brown-haired male needed a place were he wasn't spotted that easily.

You see Byungho still wasn't allowed to leave the mansion but he went to Chan before he drove off to say goodbye, which meant he sneaked out of the mansion to do so. Did he get help by one of his brothers? No, he left without telling anyone. Not even Eve knew he was outside. But he just had to say goodbye to Chan.

While walking into the forest in a fast pace Byungho checked his surroundings multiple times because a part of him was afraid that someone could see how he got into the forest the first time and how he will get out of it.

He halted by a tree, leaning onto it a little while he checked his surroundings once more. No one seemed to be in sight. Byungho let out a sigh into the cold January air and shrugged off his coat, revealing a white top, which didn't cover the male's back.

Suddenly a little spell seemed to wear off. Something black and feathery blinked on Byungho's back. Shortly after that the spell had completely fallen, showing Byungho's gigantic pitch black wings to the world.

Byungho grimaced when he felt the weight of his wings on his back. He hated them because they showed that he was neither a demon nor an angel, they were the proof of his father's successful rebellion against the gods, as the devil himself claimed. These black wings were something that reminded Byungho of the things his mother gave up for him.

Today he had put them to use after a long time because even though he hated his wings, he liked, no, he loved Chan more. He had used them to get to the wolf hybrid quickly and efficiently, so he could say goodbye, without being noticed by anyone because while flying Byungho could make himself invisible and he didn't need to use magic for that.

Byungho lightly stretched his arms and wings, preparing himself for his next flight. He picked up his coat and looked up to the leafless branches of the trees. There was enough space for him to fly through, so he activated his invisibility and took himself to the skies with one strong swing of his wings.

Even though Byungho checked his surroundings carefully he still missed one attentive pair of eyes, which thought they had witnessed the transformation from a normal human into a winged beast.


"Father, you won't believe what I just saw", a rather tall girl with black hair and eyes said after entering her home. Her tone wasn't excited or scared, it was more of a saying-the-facts kind of tone.

The girl's father, who sat at the little table in the open space living-dining-kitchen-room looked up from his newspaper to look at his daughter. "I can't say if I believe it or not if you don't give me further information, Lilian", he answered while he watched the girl speed walking to the bookshelves, which were pushed back on the wall on the opposite side of him.

Lilian took one specific old book out of the shelf and walked over to her father while already flipping through the pages in search of one specific chapter. "I saw a seemingly normal guy who turned into a class ten winged beast. Probably an angel", the girl told her father.

The man immediately put down his newspaper and walked over to his daughter, who now found the page she was searching for and put the book down onto the table. The page was filled with sketches of different angels, some of them came close to the paintings you saw in churches and some seemed more like horrific, winged beast than a human in white cloths and with wings. Beside the sketches were bits of informations written in an very old, dead languages but Lilian and her father could read it perfectly.

"Tell me about this angel", the father wanted to know everything about the creature his daughter saw. "He must have been a male judging by his looks, around 1.75 meters tall, broad shoulders, dark brown hair, pretty face. Like they wrote in the book the first word that came into my mind after noticing him was beautiful, he definitely has access to magic since he hide his wings perfectly but they weren't white or golden like the ones of a normal angel", Lilian trailed off a bit after the last statement. "Which color did they have then?", her father asked. He had turned his gaze away from the book and to his daughter, who seemed hesitant.

"They were pitch black", she said and met her father's gaze. The man hummed and turned away from her, so he could walk back to the bookshelf taking out another old book and going back to the table.

"How do you feel about your discovery, Lilian?", the man asked when he put down the book beside the other one. One hand laid on the cover of it making it impossible to read it's title.

The girl looked at opened page with the sketches of the angels on it. "I'm sorry I didn't believe in the family tradition and that I just ran off angered early today. I feel like destiny showed me, that I was wrong to not believe in the existence of supernatural beings with this strange male angel", Lilian said and took the violet stone, which was dangling around her neck into her hand. "I apologize for not believing in our family's history and for questioning my mother's legacy", the girl added with sincerity in her voice.

Her father looked at her with a proud glimmer in his eyes and took his hand of the book he had laid down on the table. The title that was written in the old, dead language could be translated to "mixed blooded creatures" and Lilian seemed a little surprised when she read it.

"I think", her father started and opened the book on a specific page, "that your black-winged angel is actually an offspring of an angel and a demon", he continued and pointed at a page with theories about angel-demon offsprings. There wasn't much written there but one theory stood out to Lilian.

Said theory made the suggestion that an angel-demon mix was neither welcomed in heaven nor in hell, so he walked around on earth with his black wings and both sets of powers, Light and Darkness.

"Father, we must begin to take action now. I thought the video of this news page that was released not long ago was fake and a joke but now I see that those creatures walk among us again and they still are too powerful for their own good", Lilian stated after she had read every bit of information on the page. Her father nodded in agreement.

"It's time to call some old friends and to bring all hunters of the supernaturals back to their old glory", he said.

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