50. bottom of the river

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STORY CREATED BY cacotheswriting

Once again you have found yourself counting the freckles on Bellamy's face. They were like a thousand little stars scattered, and just like stars they illuminated his face.

"Y/N?" Bellamy furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed you weren't listening to a word he was saying.

You snapped back to reality. "Sorry Bell."

Bellamy smiled down at you which only made you smile.

"I was just- " You weren't quite sure what to say.

"It's okay Y/N, it's been a hectic number of days."

And he was right.

The last few days have been filled with uncertainty and fear. The people of Arkadia unsure as to what was happening in Polis, unsure how it all would end, looked towards you for guidance. And you kept your head high, helped as much as you could, but even you couldn't help but be scared.

Of course you weren't scared for your life but rather scared for the life of the person that saved you on numerous occasions. The person who was now standing right in front of you, his smile making your heart flush. You were so glad he was alive.

"This is going to sound really dull and somewhat ignorant, but could you repeat what you just said?" You enquired, running your fingers through your hair in embarrassment.

Still smiling, Bellamy sat at the edge of your bed. Leaning forward, he placed his arms on his knees and intertwined his fingers together.

The two you didn't know each other back on the Ark, however, ever since you got the ground Bellamy has found an unlikely trust in you. Soon he told you everything, all the thoughts that circled his mind and all the feelings that he was usually unwilling to share with anyone else.

"I'm just glad to see you're okay."

He said in a silvery tone. You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes at his remark.

"I wasn't the one in harms way Bell."

He sighed, his smile slowly fading.

You let your arms drop and meandered towards him, situating yourself down beside him. "What's wrong Bellamy?"

He closed his eyes tightly. Trying desperately to hide the impression of weakness. The last thing he wanted was for you to think he was weak.

You took his hands into yours, squeezing tightly.

"Bell..." The soft whisper sent a shiver down his spine.

Bellamy exhaled and opened his eyes, turning his head to meet your gaze.

"We didn't save the world." He murmured, you detected sadness in his voice.

"W-what do you mean?"

"A nuclear fire."

Baffled, you blinked a few times loosening your grip around Bellamy's hands. You wanted to know more but you couldn't bring yourself to ask. You could sense how broken Bellamy felt. And he was.

Ever since you met, Bellamy was infatuated by your immense beauty. He adored your smile and longed to see it which is why he always tried to crack jokes in your presence. He admired your knowledge of the world that you know lived on and the universe that encircles. All he ever wanted was to keep you sheltered from the dangers that you may encounter yet he feared he couldn't shield you from this. Therefore, weakness overpowered his body.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I failed you."

"You didn't fail me Bellamy." You leaned in slowly, your forehead now resting against his; a move that surprised you both. "You could never fail me."

You breath was shaking and so was his.

"Bellamy, you have done more for me than anyone in my pathetic existence." You said in barely more than a whisper.

"Your existence is not pathetic."

Bellamy leaned in kissed your soft lips, unable to contain himself any longer. It was like the world fell away. Your lips tasted like cherry blossoms, better than he cold ever imagine.

You pulled apart, taking shaky breaths. Bellamy gripped onto your face as if it was the only hope left in the world.

"Bell- "

"Don't say anything." Bellamy uttered quietly yet confidently. "We might only have a few weeks left on this earth."

A soft smile circled around your lips as you kissed the palm of his hand.

"It's a long way down to the bottom of the river."

Bellamy let out a small chuckle. "What does that even mean?"

"It means it may be a few weeks before this nuclear fire perishes us all." You kissed the palm of his hand again. "Are you sure you want to spend them with me?"

With the tips of his fingers, Bellamy put the loose strands of your hair behind your ears.

"Seeing that I already spend most of my free time with you, what's a little more?"

With that he kissed you again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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