Chapter 16

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I woke up around one the next afternoon because I couldn't sleep last night. I had tried having music on to see if that helped, reading old messages, watching TV, basically everything, but nothing worked at all. I sat up and saw both Derek and my mum were gone. Great now finding out my answers would just have to wait. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror and looked a bit paler than usual. I sighed as I turned out of the bathroom and sat on the bed. It was already six where Jade was so she was probably busy with her family or something. Tomorrow was Christmas day and spending it here in a hotel room was not ideal, but there wasn't really much of a choice.

A few hours later my mum had come back with Derek following right behind her and I thought maybe this would be a good time to ask him a few questions and the answers I so desperately wanted.

"Hey Derek!" I said smiling. I tried being friendly hoping it wasn't too much.

"Hey kiddo." he said with a smile and a small wave.

"Ya know I've been wondering if there'd be any chance you and I would just be able to talk and get to know each other a bit better since I'm pretty sure I'll be spending the whole holiday with you and seeing a bunch of you over summer holiday."

"Well why not?" he agreed.

"Mind if we talk down in the lobby?" I asked and he nodded. He and I walked into the elevator and so it wouldn't be silent I started asking a few basic questions like where he was from, how long he'd live there where did he and my mum meet, where was he living now, and if he and my mum were living together. He answered and I got answers I hardly gave a crap about.

Once we were in the lobby and sat in some chairs I decided now would be a good time to break out the question I had been wanting to know the answer to so bad.

"So Derek you know you look very familiar."

"Oh I do?" he asked with a slight raise of his eyebrows.


"How so?"

"Well I used to know this boy, named Sam. I was wondering if you had a son named Sam?"

"Well actually yes I do."

"So I'm guessing your last name would be Craske?"

"That is correct. Sam Craske is my son." he said and I felt I'd be getting closer to the answer I really wanted.

"I knew it! I also had another question for you."


"Do you know a girl he dated? Her name was Jade."

"Oh yes I've met her before, lovely girl."

"Yea she really is." i said smiling. "Are you aware of their status?"

"Well from what I know they're still together, but I wouldn't really be the one to ask since I haven't spoken to him in almost a year." he said and his expression had sadden quite a bit.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." I said showing some sympathy.

"It's not your fault, not really anyone but mine." he said and I did my best to give him a sympathetic smile. I couldn't really feel bad that I hadn't''t gotten the answer on their status since his father had no idea about him.

"Well I'm glad we got to know each other better. You and my mum are wonderful together. I'm really glad you two met." I said and saw him smile.

"Yea I'm very glad I met her. You know she makes me very happy."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Ya know Perrie I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Yea go ahead ask away. You've answered my questions now I'm going to answer any you've got."

"Good because I wanted to know how you'd feel if I asked your mum to marry me." he said and my jaw dropped.

"W-well I mean I'm sure she'd say yes."

"I hope she would, but I want to know how you'd feel about it since you are her daughter."

"I mean I like you two guys together so why not?" I said and he smiled the widest I'd ever seen anyone smile. Was I really ok with this? I guess I was and I had to be since I had already told him I was, plus did I really have a say in their relationship?

Later that night I had basically begged my mum let me go back to my dorm and get a few things. She wasn't really ok with my going at night so she decided she'd just come along even though she was very tired.

When we had gotten there she told me she'd wait outside while I went up. I had gotten into my dorm room and grabbed a few clean clothes. The room had looked like its messy old self, but there was something that caught my eye. There was a note on my bed. I put the stuff down on my bed and picked up the note unfolding it.

Dear Perrie,

So I've recently learned you and Jade are a thing now I've also learned you haven't really spread the word about it. I hope you know Jade is special and if I were with her the whole world would know, but this letter isn't to tell you what you should and shouldn't do with Jade. I'm writing you to tell you that your time with Jade is limited because she will soon realize you're just a mistake and that she never really loved you in that way. Soon she will be mine and I will make sure of that.


By the time I finished reading it and re-read it I had tears streaming down my face. What if I was just a mistake to Jade? Would she really leave me? Most importantly who the hell was this and how the hell did they get into this room?

I tried shrugging it off and went back to meet my mom and pretended as if nothing had ever happened.

For the rest of the night I thought about that letter. Jade and I hadn't event talked today and that was weird for us because we talked everyday no matter what, but she was busy it didn't mean she'd be leaving me. I sighed at the thought of her actually loving someone else and it hurt a lot. I had thought about this letter until the moment I had fallen asleep.

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