Oh Joy... Despair

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        Niles was watching his fellow retainer, Odin, perform some sort ritual. He was leaning against a wall, arms folded over his chest. His singular eye follows the blonde dark mage as he draws lines and symbols on the stone floor in chalk. He had no idea what nonsense Odin was up to this time, but Lord Leo had asked him to assist Odin if the blonde needed it. Seeing that Odin was finishing up the chalk, Niles pushes off the wall and approaches the magic user.

"So Odin... What utter nonsense are you up to this time?" Niles asks, arching a white eyebrow. Odin just grins.

"Why, I am going to summon the Greatest Being of Unholiness-" Odin starts.

"You're summoning King Garon? What a waste of time" Niles interrupts with a grin. Odin huffs and smacks Niles in the head with his tome.

"No you fiend! This being is the stuff of legend, and only a legendary dark mage such as myself could manage to bring forth something so dark and devilish!" Odin proclaims. Niles sighs.

"I'm surprised Lord Leo is letting you do this," the outlaw comments. Odin scoffs.

"Lord Leo is a glorious user of the dark arts! Of course he'd allow me to summon such dark and powerful allies!" Odin says.

"Very well Odin. Continue on. I won't keep you from your summoning any longer," Niles says, taking a step back. Odin nods and he starts his chanting. Niles watches as the chalk starts to glow and a dark glow forms in Odin's hands. Niles frowns as nothing appears nor did any portals appear. He crouches and inspects the chalk on the floor. His eye widens upon seeing that part of the ritual chalk lines had been broken. "Odin stop!" Niles calls out , but it was too late. The dark glow from Odin's hands had shot out and latched onto Niles, covering him. The outlaw let out a yelp as he felt his body start to warp. The last thing he saw before blacking out was Odin's shocked face.

When Niles came too again, he noticed was very dark and very cramped. He stretches his arms forward and touched a sheet of cold metal. Frowning, Niles moves his hands along the metal and finds hinges on one side and then gives a good shove on the metal sheet. He tumbles forward and onto an equally cold floor. Pushing himself up, Niles takes a good long look at his surroundings so he could gather information about his surrounds. The Nohrian was very confused by his surroundings as they were nothing like what he was used to. He was able to gather that he had been stuffed into some sort of metal box after having been accidentally sent here. Additionally, the room had funny looking desks and chairs that were lined up in rows and columns. He tilts his head when seeing a box protruding from the ceiling. He then notices a few other open metal boxes and he assumed he was not alone in this strange foreign land. Niles reaches behind him and scowls when not feeling his bow or quiver on him. Upon hearing the door open, the white haired male snaps his head over and watches as two people enter the room and approach them. One was a blonde female and the other was a male wearing a baseball cap.

"Hi there! I'm Kaede Akamatsu! I'm the Ultimate Pianist. This is Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective," the blonde woman says.

"Hello. May we ask who you are?" the male, Shuichi asks.

"Who are you? The welcoming committee?" Niles snarks. "But if you MUST know I am Niles," the outlaw answers, eyeing the two in front of him.

"What's your Ultimate?" Kaede asks curiously.

"I beg your pardon? But what's an Ultimate?" Niles asks in return.

"You don't know? Hmm... Well it's essentially a talent that you have that you're the best at. Like for me, I played piano so much that I eventually started winning contest after contest and gained the title of Ultimate Pianist," Kaede says, hoping her explanation made sense.

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