Chapter 2: Kung Food

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A/N: Please remember that these episodes are not in their episode order, I'll order it according to the rider that corresponds to the episodes, so sorry for those hardcore Ladybug fans... 

Another day passed after Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated Pharaoh!

Ladybug was intrigued by the name Kamen Riders?

Chat Noir and Ladybug research about them!

Both are now in their civilian form and are living their daily lives

Marinette was preparing herself for the arrival of her uncle from her mom's side, who came to Paris to participate in the "World's Greatest Chef" competition!

Marinette was so nervous due to her flawed Chinese, she was then transported to the competition with Adrien in his Limo!

Announcer: "Ever since we kicked off our World's Greatest Chef contest kicked off the best  culinary masters from around the globe have been blowing our minds with their gastronomic creations!"

Announcer: "From China Cheng Si Fu who made his famous Celestial Soup, Meanwhile we have the newcomer from Japan who has established a Michelin Star Restaurant from the get-go with his famous Japanese Dishes: Shouichi Tsugami!"

Mayor Bourgeois: "Cheng Si Fu, I'm delighted and honored to have you here on our final show, where you will have the chance to defeat all of the chefs who have competed thus far..."

Mayor Bourgeois: "Shouichi Tsugami, You are the newcomer chef with your quick rise to fame, you will also have the chance to defeat the chefs who have competed thus far"

Announcer: "Only one can be awarded with the title of World's Greatest Chef!"

Announcer: "The winner's dish will be the new very special in the Grand Paris Restaurant menu!"

The announcer interviews Cheng Si Fu

Announcer: "Tell us, Cheng Si Fu what dish will you be honoring our panel today?"

Cheng Si Fu: "My dish is Celestial Soup!"

Announcer: "WOW! We've heard so much of your legendary Celestial Soup, but today we'll actually get to taste it!"

Adrien: "Do you want me to come with you, Cheng Si Fu?"

Cheng Si Fu: "Don't worry Adrien, Cooking needs no words..."

Marinette then arrives

Marinette: "Thanks Adrien I'm totally sorry for bothering you for nothing..."

Marinette: "I really thought he couldn't speak English!"

Adrien: "No problem Marinette, it was awesome to be able to practice my Chinese, especially with the Si Fu!"

Marinette: "A Si Fu?"

Adrien: "That means Master in Chinese, mom's uncle is a great master!"

Then Chloe popped up!

Chloe: "Well Look who it is my favorite person: Marinette Dupain-Cheng"

Chloe: "I mean really? Your uncle is expecting to win the contest with a soup!?"

Chloe: "It's not even a main dish!"

Chloe: "Please doesn't he know how to make Sushi like everyone else?"

Adrien then confronts her about her misunderstanding about Chinese and Japanese people which is kinda racist!

Adrien: "Chloe Japanese people make Sushi! Cheng Si Fu is Chinese!"

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