f i f t y - f i v e

Start from the beginning

Sage's stomach churned at the sound of Xander's name. Before he had the chance to think into it, Randall hastily began packing up next to him. Catching Sage's gaze, Randall's purple eyes flickered to the door, and he nudged his head in the direction to indicate his resolution. Sage mouthed back his compliance, immediately packing to catch up with his annoyed friend.

The junior and sophomore abruptly stood at the same time, and whilst the junior stormed out, Sage took the time to return the library books to avoid trouble with the hawk-eyed librarian.

Carter beat Sage in catching up to Randall.

"Yow, Randie! Wait up!"

Surprisingly, Randall stopped. "I'm going to class." he simply said.

"Hey, chill out. It ain't even class time yet. We have thirty more minutes."

"I'll find somewhere else to study then." Randall gritted out.

Carter wasn't having it. His expression flickered as a thought popped in his head and he nodded slowly, discerning everything that was happening. "Oh, I get it. You upset 'cause I'm talkin' to a girl, ain't ya?"

"Like hell if I do!" his mouth flew open as he prepared to eject a barrage of curses, but it snapped back shut and he shook his head. "Look, I told you that you shouldn't let me stop you from having fun, and I can't stop you from talking to whoever you want. But I draw the line when you waste both of our time, focusing on where next you'll stick your dick over academics."

"It ain't--"

Randall held up a hand, silencing him. "You don't have to explain to me. We were supposed to study for one hour but the second that bitch walked by, you drop your whole world and circulate around her like a fücking dog."

"Don't call her that. Mary and I are friends," Carter fired back, defensively. Randall threw up his hands in disbelief, absolute frustration.

"Goddammit, her name is Martina!"

Carter blinked in confusion.

"You know, whatever. You do what you want, but I'm going somewhere else." Randall sighed. "When you decide to take your schoolwork more seriously, you know where to find me."

Carter stepped forth. "I'm coming with you then."

"No," Randall shot him down. "It's fine. Finish up what you're doing. I'll see you some other time."

Carter stood there for a while, scratching his head. He shifted his weight between his feet before shoving his hands in his pockets. "Can we study later then?"

"I can't," Randall rejected. "I have to work, and it's a family dinner after that."

Carter's smile returned instantly. "That's alright. I'll just come with you."


"I insist, man."

"A no means no, and that's that." Randall snapped back, amethyst eyes sparing with annoyance. "Look, I'll tell you when my schedule's free, cool?" he then glanced over at Sage, signaling to him. "Come on, Sage."

Sage stepped forth, shooting Carter and apologetic smile before standing next to Randall. The junior's face curled into a sneer as he glared daggers at Carter, who just stood there frowning deeply and crossing his arms.

Conflicted Eyes, Confusing Feelings | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now