Reese's Take On All This :3

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This is me while reading all these comments:

After reading your opinions and comments (which I love doing BTW), I am SHOOK to be honest

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After reading your opinions and comments (which I love doing BTW), I am SHOOK to be honest. We all grew to love Xander, hear his backstory and mental issues, and bask in his beauty, but then BAM! He does one wrong thing and we plummet straight (no pun intended UwU) back into the spiral of hating him, eh?

But I understand why. Sage is a precious boy and we must protect him at all cost ✨

For those who wear their hearts on their sleeves (totally not me...pshk), I'll give you a heads-up that things are gonna get a lot darker from here on out. Yikes.

Some people will probably stop reading (vote!), but I think this is just me, the way I write. I have a thing for writing dark novels, and furthermore, I don't want this to just be another boyxboy novel on here. I want this book to grow and reach the hearts/attention of many; to be entertaining, informative, heart-wrenching and relatable, all while challenging myself as a writer—

Ummmm I'm getting a little deep here 😅

But after all this, isn't it a little too late to back out now? If we stop here, we'll never know how it ends. If Xander really goes through with his plans (and the reasons behind the twist in his attitude), if Sage ever moves on/dates Randall (heh), if Xavier ever reaches out to Xander, if Cecilia accepts that her perfect little son is not straight.

And so forth.

But most of all, will this book have a happy ending (or if there will be any 'explicit' scenes).

So much left to uncover, and to be honest I'm super excited (and evil haha ( ̄ω ̄). I'm currently on the last lap of writing this, and I plan to release the chapters faster upon finishing (I'm a really lazy writer so it's gotta be like this :( Don't be like me).

Overall it's a long, angsty book (hence the title), but the real question is:

Will you stick around for it?

Until then, I leave you with these two gifs:

Until then, I leave you with these two gifs:

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And for being supportive, loyal readers:

And for being supportive, loyal readers:

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PS, there will also be a bit of homophobia, and no more trigger warnings will be provided from this point forth.

Please, please, if any of the aforementioned elements make you uncomfortable (or triggered) in any way, stop reading. I'll cry for sure, but I care about you guys. Put your mental health first, always.

See you in the next chapter then?

Regardless, take care.


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