Yeah, Trust Issues

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So this book is winding down. Just one more chapter and then the epilogue. Sorry, it was so short. Also, I guess trigger warnings: Guns, violence, literal murder. Okay byee!

"Mark you can't be serious about this." I stood up quickly.

"But I am." he held out another gun for me to take. I took it hesitantly and inspected it. Real and loaded. God, he was serious.

"We can't just shoot people. We'll get arrested." I put the gun on the rack again.

"We're friends with royalty my dear, we won't be prosecuted." He picked up a handgun and loaded it.

"What the fuck do you mean? Actually, better question. Where the hell are we?"

"The ego's dimension. Dark's basement to be more exact." Mark looked towards a door. "In fact feel free to go back upstairs. I'm sure they've sealed off the mansion by now."

"I'm going to go find someone with an ounce of sanity." I stormed up the stairs and found several people milling about. What in the world?

"Oh, Kay! You're awake. I wanted to put you in one of the bedrooms but Mark insisted on having you downstairs with him so he could explain his plan." Phoenix rambled.

"Of which is fucking insane," I remembered my flannel dress. "Hey, do you have any clothes I can wear?"

"Uh yeah." She led me down a long hallway to a nicely decorated room. "I feel bad since I've completely overrun Dark's closet with my stuff. Though he takes all the blankets in bed so I mean we're even."

"You guys sleep in the same bed?" I raised an eyebrow and Phoenix flushed red.

"I mean I-I-I-" She stuttered out.

"Just give me some clothes already." I laughed. She nodded and grabbed me a tee and some shorts. I guess I could murder in these. I found my way through the hall and back downstairs. Mark was still testing weapons when I returned.

"I guess I'm helping you with your plan." I sighed.

"That's great. Now, do you know how to use a gun?" I slowly shook my head. He waved me over and handed it to me. He moved my hands and stood behind me, guiding me through the motions. "Watch out for the recoil."

"I'll be fine." I pulled the trigger and I completely missed the target. The recoil hurt my arm a bit too. "Okay, I won't be fine."

"It's okay, just try it again." Mark laughed. I got the hang of it after a while and decided to ask the question that had been plaguing me for a while.

"Where's Blank and Anti?" Mark looked up from his preparations for a second before returning to it.

"They're being held in the prison on the opposite side of this town. It's the only place with protections against the egos' powers. Now as most of the people in this dimension have powers of some sort that can get them places, they don't rely on traditional transportation. Which means we're walking. Which is why we need to be able to defend ourselves. Blank's army is running rampant as their boss has been locked up. They'll kill us if we get too close." Mark handed me a large gun and a belt with extra ammo (Idk what different stuff is called, I'm not a gun person).

"So are we murdering innocent people?" I asked, getting the belt around my waist.

"No, his army is criminals looking for easy pay." Mark quickly turned back to me. "Are you still drunk or hungover in any way?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Good, we can't afford to have your abilities impaired right now."

"You know I'm probably a sociopath yet you sound like the insane one right now." I laughed. Mark gave me a dirty look.

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