Erkenci Kus episode 7 recap

Start from the beginning

b. Mivkebe talking about sanem in childhood – Can was so interested he even raised an eyebrow intrigued by what mivkebe was saying...Can: Sanem clumsy? Hmm never noticed that ... aww he's so cute

c. Can offers to walk with Sanem around the embankment as she has to stay awake because of her concussion ....and she says no need...ummm there is a need...we needed to see you walk all night by the water with Can... that was the need girl

d. Sanem knocking her head into the bird cage it...that I think was planned as Sanem is the klutzy character we know and love

e. Can looks like he fits into this world but emre does not all- Leyla fits more in to emres world and Can fits better into Sanem's is why they both go so well with each other...I mean right now I hate emre lol so we wont talk about him and Leyla's real relationship

5. Ayhan and Osman both come running to Sanem when she called crying – I love their relationships it is so special to have two childhood friends who are like family

a. Sanem breaks my heart in this conversation- He will not look at my face again, he will leave forever when I tell him the truth. I didn't expect anything I just expected to see his face hear his voice that's all I wanted

b. Muzo upset when he sees sanem hug Osman again lol I am still finding him funny...I know this won't last but for now I'm enjoying him

6. Aylin is so freaken manipulative- Emre finally confronts wont last I know but in this moment I thought he was really changing. After him yelling at Aylin for destroying his family, Emre destroyed goes to the office to drink I don't feel bad for him in the least ...sorry Emre its going to take like 20 more episodes before I like you

7. Can calls polen

a. I'll come to you soon to talk

b. We are always honest with each other...there is so much to say about this statement bc we know that sanem always holds the truth back from Can and lies ... this is why Polen's later return could have been more dramatic in the 30s but it never got to where I wanted it to go ...but that is for another recap later down the line

c. You know me more than anyone- ufff that was hard to hear how deep their relationship actually was before Sanem the most he gave of himself was to Polen.

d. it wont work, it wont work... he just keeps saying it he has nothing else to say or knows how to explain it beyond that

e. There is nothing between us but there is someone very confused now.... Ufff ya

f. Can flashes to Sanem's unsaid confession and then how she saved him with the hacker.... He's trying to figure it out like she must love me right?

8. Leyla worried about emre and sanem says Emre should be in that worse condition...I was like Go sanem! Take that sas and shove it in Emre's face

9. Can checking in on sanem with Leyla- I called you bc I didn't want to wake her shes having breakfast should I check?... no thank you Leyla- this moment feels so junior high crush I love it...Can too shy to show he is worried about Sanem so checks in with Leyla adorable

10. Can thinks Emre is drunk bc of a breakup – Can- I would have came if you called... aww but seriously Can stop being so nice to your dumbass of a brother he doesn't deserve it

11. Mivkebe giving nihat hell for calling them it you go mivkebe

12. Can thanking Sanem in front of the secret hero ....gahhh I love him calling her that just gahh

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