Chapter XX

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Taking a seat directly beside the man I came for, I smiled.
" I did as you asked, Your majesty. I have found a base and I joined them. They claim to be rebelling to take the crown. They do not want a king who will unite vampires and witches. "

"And did you tell them that I will take their heads one by one? That I will torture their leader to no end?"

"I did not, Your Majesty."

I scuffed, "Of course not, you wouldn't be here if you did. Where are they?"

The scruffy vampire rattled off the located to me hesitantly before saying,
"Your majesty, I understand your frustration, but you are only one witch. You should wait until the king is awake."

"I see you've grown comfortable speaking to your queen." I stood slowly, like a predator sneaking up on the prey, "I probably should wait on that damn vampire to wake up, shouldn't I?" I sighed. "Unfortunately, this thirst that leaves my throat parched makes me crave the blood of my enemies. You know something about thirst and hunger for blood, right?"

"You could never understand my frustration. You do not know the power of this one witch. Do not try to stall my vengeance with petty words of comfort or advice. I am the Queen of Vampires and the most powerful witch to ever live and whomever I want dead..."
He squeaked like a mouse and began to choke as my mist rushed into his lungs. He started to shake and gag as he fell from his seat, blood spilling from his lips as my mist poisoned his lungs at my will. "Will die."

His eyes bulge and he stilled.

Flipping my cape, looking at those who witnessed that, I smirked, and I turned to leave.
"Hey! what did you d---?" A man began to yell after me, but he was held back by a fellow vampire at his table.


Day break had never been so significant. I watched them sleep. Morning sleep was every vampire's weakness and though it doesn't last long in the vampire kingdom, it was the window any enemy of a vampire could use to an advantage. This is why I approached their hiding place at this time. I didn't want to kill them in their sleep though, I would get no satisfaction from that.

I will wait until they awaken and then I'd rip them to shreds.

The leader was the first to rise, he spotted me immediately and like the coward I knew he was he mysted away in the blink of an eye. That irritated me but I set those emotions aside when the others stared to rise. They noticed me and all their claws and fangs came out. I didn't move an inch.
"Mmhhm! Mow is this how you greet a lowly woman?" I groaned looking at them one by one.
"You are no lowly woman." one growled just before they all attacked me.

If not by the poison mist, they died by the end of my blade. It was a massacre. But even as I stood their blood dripping from Xion's sword, I was not satisfied. I wanted their leader's head!


Unknown POV

"Fuck" He breathed, "That bitch is fucking crazy. She killed everybody."

"This isn't even half of what she's capable of. Did she enchant you?"

"Fuck no! I got the hell out of there before she could."

"Good. Don't ever look into her eyes, it'll be all over if you do. Get knew recruits and this time you need to kill the king. I'll handle Aurora afterwards."

"You can handle that?" He scuffed, wiping the sweat off the back of his neck, "She's fucking terrifying. I got fucking chills watching that. I thought you said she hated vampires shouldn't she want the king dead?"

"Aurora isn't your concern. Get rid of Xion." 

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