Chapter XV

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"Identify yourself now!" Xion demanded of the attacker.

The vampire's body was tense, and I could feel the anger radiating from him. His fangs had lengthened, his nails extended into sharp claws. He turned his head briefly to check on me. His eyes roamed me for injuries before coming back to the attacker. The sight of a vampire's fangs and claws always made me feel disgusted. In fact, I used to take great pleasure in ripping them from their corpses. I, however, was not repulsed by these claws. I was confident in their ability to rip this stranger to shreds. I was confident in Xion's ability to rip this stranger to shreds. I felt no need to release my magic. I felt no urge to ready myself for battle because Xion would fight for me. The fact that I felt that way was the most frightening thing of all.

The attacker threw himself at Xion aiming for his face. I had to bite the insides of my jaw to prevent myself from screaming. Not the face!
The attack knocked the sword from his hand, but Xion had dodged taking me with him so easily. Slick Vampire. A guard threw his sword, quickly, Xion caught the metal taking his stance and reading himself to kill. The stranger drew his sword and for what seemed like hours, which were really only mere seconds, they just stood there.

And with a clash their swords hit each other, scraping they backed off only to come back again. Clang! Click! Xion growled throwing his ripped body in again and I grew weak. It was then I noticed my mist had covered us. Green and thick. I hadn't even realized that I was releasing magic with each swing of the swords. Was what I was feeling so strong that my mind had subconsciously done this. Hope that he will be finished with this fight soon. Anger that someone would ever think to attack us when he had planned this trip for me. Lust because he was so strong and powerful. His moves were confident and he fucking hot in battle. No! If I let my emotions get any more out of control, there will be no denying it.
That I may want to be --.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice how or when they stopped, but as my eyes came back to focus, I saw that they had stopped fighting. Their swords hung at their sides and air left their lungs in heavy puffs.

"Good to see you again, brother." the stranger said.

"Why do you always do this shit? If I hadn't noticed that it was you, I would have killed you. The person who attacked Ava got away because of you."

"We can find him later. I heard His Majesty the beloved king of vampires has finally brought home his fated. I wanted to introduce myself."

Xion growled.

" OK! What brother?" I interrupted.

Xion turned his attention to me and so did the stranger.

"This must be her." The stranger said pulling the hood off his head to reveal demon eyes. A demon. Great. My enemies just keep flocking together.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. I'm Conner." He extended his hand which still had those extremely black, extremely long claws. I looked him up and down and then took his hand.

"Aurora." I told him.

"I've travelled a long way, Brother. I hope the news of you having a chef at Koude Hel is true." Conner sheathed his sword while looking around.
Since the fight was now over, the people of the town had collected themselves enough to remember that it was their king who had been fighting and that he had come here with me...

Many of them started crying, others were cheering. Children forgot themselves in their excitement and ran to him. They surrounded his legs. He picked them up one by one patiently hugging and kissing each child. I bit the inside of my cheek refusing to name the emotion I felt at the sight of him being affectionate toward them. The salesman came running out, throwing himself at Xion's feet.

Women rushed toward me.
"Your majesty." They greeted me, clearly having overheard the conversation.

"You look so beautiful, your majesty." They complimented pushing past one another to try to get close to me.
I gave a tight smile feeling awkward at their immediate acceptance and genuine compliments.

I bit the inside of my jaw until I tasted blood when women approached Xion fawning and swooning. Whimpering, "Your majesty..." The urge to strangle them bubbled in my stomach.

"Have you forgotten about Thelus?" I growled at him. 

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