Chapter XVIII

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I found them. Or rather they found me. Three cloaked vampires hissed at me before coming at me with sharp claws. I fought back sending blasts of my magic at them. But that wasn't enough, I needed to look into their eyes. Staring into the eyes of my enemies allows me access to their souls. Whoever I have enchanted through the eyes is under my control forever even in death.
The trail of my dress was now a hindrance, I grabbed it ripping it off as I sent my fist flying into the face of my enemy. Grabbing him, it only takes a moment to command, "Burn."
The vampire wailed, fighting off a fire that was not there, feeling a pain unimaginable to anyone else but so excruciating that within moments he collapsed.

My mist grew heavy over the battlefield, but I could see clearly.
"Come on! Let me show you death!" I challenged the assailants
I screamed when one stabbed my arm with his sword. But sweeping in, I saw Thelus fast approaching from the distance with soldiers. I kicked the vampire who stabbed me causing his hood to fall off. I grabbed his hair and pulled him toward me and stared into his eyes.
"Burn." I enchanted.

"Fries!" I called conjuring my familiar to my side. The big black beast came to my side in an instant. His green eyes glowed as they met mine. He lowered himself and I climbed onto his back.

"We have to find him."

He spotted me as soon as I arrived. Though I know it's hard to miss a big black monster eating cloaked vampires.

Trying to enchant as many of the enemy as possible I commanded, "kill yourself."
And they began to stab their swords into their bodies, I smiled.

"I thought I sent you to the safety." He said
"Do I look like a damsel in distress. I can hold my own," I scowled.
"A King protects his Queen."
"I don't need protecting, " I growled climbing down from my familiar and immediately attack.

That was the turning point of the battle, maybe if I hadn't gone to where he was, maybe the events that followed wouldn't have. Maybe we would have left this battlefield victorious.

"Mom?" She said weakly. She was clutching me so tightly which those small hands. Why couldn't I get it out of my head? Why?

"And here the rumors said you were powerful. You look just like another useless witch to me." His sword ran through my side, I screamed, grabbing the area and falling to my knees. Fries came rushing but the person disappeared.

I could hardly breathe as I gripped my side. The mist pouring out of me was thick and green, making it difficult to even see the battle that had grown more gruesome in the last seconds. I couldn't think but Xion was by my side. "Did he just myst away? How could he do that? Only you are supposed to be able to do that." I whispered while taking sharp breaths as blood runs down from my body.

"What is this vampire?" I demanded as I grabbed his shirt looking into his eyes. "Explain."

Black dots appeared before my eyes, but I shook it off. Did the blade really go that deep? I felt so weak.

It happened so damn fast. Xion was beside me then, he wasn't. He mysted attacking the man who had wounded me. Swords clashed and it sounded like the thunder that followed lightning. I stood there consumed by my pain and filled with rage.

I wanted the bastard to pay for cutting me, but I could barely stand, much less fight. I was defenseless and the enemy knew that, and they took advantage.

Just as Xion was about to land what I suspected was the final blow, three arrows came at me all aimed for my head, I couldn't react in time, but Xion mysted to my rescue, he caught all three with his bare hands and glanced back at me. "Even defenseless and injured you look---"

I know the witches heard me, the wolves on the other side of the Netherlands heard me. The entire world stopped as an agonized cry escaped me. Fries whimpered and the battle seemed to stop. Xion was bleeding on the ground before me.

My blood ran cold, my heart, I could hear it beating. I couldn't see but I managed to drag myself closer to him. Throwing myself at him, I forgot my own injury.

"Look at me. Look into my eyes, Vampire. I pleaded. I pressed my hand to his wound. "Look at me! Look at me! Xion please." I sobbed.

His hand moved to touch the deep sword wound in his stomach, he lifted it and looked at his crimson blood. His blood covered hand covered my cheek.

"Is this what it took..." His eyes grew hooded. "For you to say my name, sweet Aurora?"

"Shh, don't speak just look at me. Hey! Open your eyes."
"Thelus! Thelus!" I wailed.

"Stay Alive." I tried to enchant him, "Don't you dare die, do you hear me? Look at me..." I cried.

Streaks of tears ran down my cheeks as I leaned over his body, thinking I'll go crazy.
"Xion, I love you. There I admitted it. Now get up and show me you deserve it. Get up!"
He fought to keep his eyes locked on me and I could see him slipping away. Without thinking I reached for his sword and cut myself. Resting my bleeding wrist to his slightly parted lips, I tried to force him to drink, his fangs sank in my flesh and i groaned at the sensation as he drank from me briefly, but just as easily as he began drinking, he stopped. Eyes closed, his hands fell away to his side and his head laxed.

The sound that left me was a mangled cry, I combination of a scream and a sob.

"Xion? Xion?" I called. It was just a whisper, but I heard it, he said my name and I broke.

"XION!!!" I bellowed.

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