Chapter V

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Her eyes closed and she moaned. A sweet soft sound that hit me in places that immediately stirred to life. I tried to stifle my groaned as I shifted myself in my pants. If her moan could stir my member to life what would her kiss do? I thought groaning again. Two hundred years I waited; it would seem like nothing considering I'm a thousand years old but two hundred years is a long while to wait when you can see flashes of that person in your dreams.

As werewolves have their mates and Vampires have their fateds. Fateds are what vampires spend forever waiting to receive. A vampire's fated is the only person he or she can create offspring with, and as a King, heirs are very important to me but not only that. Your fated is your one and only match in this world. They were meant for you and you for them.

Werewolves recognize their mates through smell – pheromones. Vampires recognize their fateds through sight -- dreams when we are pulled to sleep in the day. From the moment Aurora was born I knew of her. For 200 years every day when I was forced to sleep, I would see her. Her glowing green eyes, her curly hair, her lips, her skin, she had me mind and soul before she even knew it. Fate had decided for both of us, and I did not want to argue.

She looked up at me, held me with her gaze.
"How is it?" I asked my voice low and husky making it obvious that watching her eat turns me on.
"It's fine," she said staring at me. "But just cause the foods good doesn't mean I'm staying, Vampire."

"I didn't think it would mean such a thing, Enchantress." I smirked as she rolled her eyes. She clearly enjoyed the meal seeing as she cleaned her plate. Fries was also full. Looking at the cat it was almost as if he'd gained weight as he licked his paws.

"I'm finish eating." She said.
"Without your dessert?" I asked taking a sip of my blood and licking my lips.
Her eyes followed my movement as she bit her own. She looked up at me and held my gaze.
I watched she swallow as her gaze flicked back to my lips and back to my eyes.
"What dessert?" She asked her voice husky. Was the tension between us always this thick? I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I wanted her but did her eyes always undress me that way?
I called for a servant to bring her the dessert. Chocolate coated strawberries, a treat from the human world. I heard of it from Thelus's fated she was once a human but I had turned her into a vampire so she could bare his child.

Aurora beamed as the servant sat the dessert before her. She was as excited as a child. Grinning from ear to ear her hands clasped before her holding tight as if she was scared she would start cheering.

"Can I have a bottle of wine with this?"

"You can have anything you want." My reply was smooth.

"Bring on the wine!" Aurora's smile was so bright I feared I'd go blind, yet I could not look away from her. 

I did not look away from her, not for the hour she spent drinking one and a half bottles of wine

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I did not look away from her, not for the hour she spent drinking one and a half bottles of wine. I was shocked she could handle even half a bottle, but I knew she was drunk the moment she looked up at me through half open eyes and slurred,
"Vampire..." Before tipping to the side about to fall from her chair.

I moved fast; it took me half a second to reach her. Catching her, I whispered, "I got you." before mysting to our room.

Aurora's POV

I've got him where I want him.
He mysted us to his room after I was supposedly falling over drunk.
What he doesn't know is that I have a great tolerance for alcohol. A hundred years ago when I was a homeless family-less witch who wondered from bar to bar participating in drinking contests, just for the hell of it. It was all before Aunt Ceres found me, in the depths of the woods covered in blood as I rained fury on a group of vampires. I could drink anyone under the table. That little bit of wine did nothing.

He held me as though I was delicate and fragile. It would have been sweet if it wasn't a vampire who held me that way. He placed me on the bed gently cooing me to sleep. But I wasn't the one to be put to sleep tonight.
I knew why the vampires lived in the ice land. Vampires are pulled to sleep by the sun. So, when the sun comes up their bodies shut down. But here in the ice lands the rarely shines and when it does it is only for a few hours. Less sun means less time sleeping and that means less vulnerability for a group of people with many enemies.

"You are really hot, you know that? With your beard and long hair and red eyes. It's too bad you're a vampire. I'd totally give you my first time if you weren't." I slurred slipping from the bed and walking shakily toward him.

" I slurred slipping from the bed and walking shakily toward him

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Xion looks something like the above picture

"Is that so Enchantress?" He whispered reaching out to hold me to him.
"You do know I have a name, right? It's Aurora."
"I'll call you by your name when you call me by mine. " He said pulling me further into his embrace.
"Forget it." I growled.

I pulled away, appearing to want to walk away but really I was going to do the most daring thing I have ever done in my two hundred years of life. I was planning to kiss a vampire.

I did it without a second thought. Hoping I wouldn't change my own mind.
I pressed my lips to his, feeling his facial hair tickling me and loving it. When he realized what was happening, he took over. He winded his muscular arms around me. Slanting his lips over mine to deepen the kiss. I felt the brush of his tongue against my bottom lip as he began to seduce me with the hard presses of his lips against mine. His lips were soft against mine surprisingly. And his tongue felt good when he ran it over the seam of my lips. I opened ever so slightly. That's all he needed to slip his tongue between my lips and teeth to taste mine. I moaned.

My first kiss .... A vampire king named Xion.

Pulling back, I panted.
"I didn't expect that." he said sounding dazed.
"Then you won't expect this." I said pulling up his shirt and showing him my breasts. His eyes went wide as he took them in.

When he looked back up, he was dazed and met with glowing green eyes, I enchanted, "You are tired... Sleep."
He tried to fight it,

"Shh, sleep." I urged, annoyed that he was still fighting me.
He fell like a rock. 

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