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UMmM TOdAYs BOP- Cix- Numb
Please watch the video and read the lyrics. You won't regret it. It's really an amazing song with lyrics that need to be heard.

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     My day hasn't even started yet and I already want to go home. I turned on the radio in my car, eating my sausage McMuffin. Was I supposed to be eating it?


Did I still it it?


I watch kids walk up the steps of Portbay High School. The school was alright as they come, can't really complain. Well I could, and do complain but still.
That's besides the point.
No one I knew was here yet, surprisingly. Where were they?


I nearly dropped my McMuffin as Jimin slammed his hands on my car, successfully scaring me.


I could start the car and pretend to drive him over.

Nahhh too mean.

I glared at him as he made my way to the passenger door and got in.

"What up?"

"Really? You just had to scare me. You almost made me drop my freaking food!"

He only smiled. "You scared yourself! I only tapped the hood."

"Whatever. Why are you late? Where is everyone?"

"Ah. Right." He whipped out his phone and typed furiously.

"We just not gon answer. Okay."

I knew what could get his attention.

"Are you finally telling Yoongi you like him?"
His face turned into the color of ketchup.


"Ha. Ha. Funny. Hilarious. No. The rest will be here in a minute. That's all I'm saying."

"Alright then. You're acting strange but whatever."

I went back to eating my food. Can't believe I haven't finished it yet, honestly. Jimin started grabbing his stuff and got out.

"Let's go. The gangs waiting."



I started wondering all the possible reasons why Jimin was being secretive as we walked towards the entrance of the school. No food being allowed to be eaten in there, I shoved the rest of my second McMuffin into my mouth, sad I couldn't savor it. (A/N:ME)

Jimin looked horrified when I offered it to him, simply refusing the insult to food. Oh well. I know no one else liked Mcdiddies so I simply ate it.

"We have arrived y'all. What up."

I was too busy forcing the sandwich into my mouth to see who Jimin was talking to. As I looked up, Mcstuffin mouth filled, I saw the most handsome person ever with Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hobi.

This, ladies and gentlemen is the moment I wanted to die of embarrassment.

I started choking.



It was at this moment I had died. Right here.
In front of me was the most attractive male I had ever seen. I saw him as he walked up with Jimin as I finished a McMuffin I got on the way before meeting everyone. (McDonalds please sponsor me at this point lol).
I didn't even fully chew my food. To top it all off, when he got closer I tried to hurry finish the food, which led me to start choking. I was so focused on trying to breathe I didn't see he was also choking on a


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