Only one thing could help the constant banging in my head right now would be two aspirins and a cup of coffee.

I needed to occupy my mind. With the news I received about Daniel and the awkwardness of my morning so far, I needed to do something productive but first, coffee.

The first sip of coffee tasted exquisite, hopefully the start of ridding myself of the pounding in my head.

Picking my phone up as I lay stretched out on my sofa, my Instagram feed full of people paying their respects to Daniel. Tears begin to fill my eyes as the realisation that this wasn't a horrible dream really beginning to sink in now.

I allowed the tears to fall, unable to compose myself any longer. I couldn't believe one of my best friends has departed the world in such a cruel way. I know I'd never have the answers as to why he was pushed to the point of suicide but I couldn't help but continue to blame myself for not being there enough.

My DMs were full of well wishers. Scrolling through her name appeared once more. That's when it dawned on me that she is who I thought I was dreaming about last night, when in reality I was actually fucking my female best friend.

I opened up her response, smiling as I read her telling me she loves my page. I like her message but before replying to her, I flick on to her profile page and hit the blue button under her name. 'Follow Back'

Her account is private, so the only way of getting to see what this Chelsea really looks like is to follow her so her account becomes visible to me.

On the flip side, if I don't like what I see. I can always unfollow.

I reply back to her message. "How rude of me not to be following my biggest fan back 😉 I hope you accept..."

Knowing full well she'll accept, I go back to my inbox to see a message waiting for me from the coffee company I shot for at the weekend.

"So sorry for your loss, Noah." Which I though was a really nice touch until I read the second message they had sent.

"Looking forward to seeing your post this week. Don't forget we need it posted by the end of the week!"


To say I was now in a rage was an understatement. How could they still expect me to post about a fucking bag of coffee the day after my best friend passing away?

Were they really that insensitive? How would that look to my following? And Daniels friends and family? I'd look like a compete selfish dick.

I considered replying but thought best not too given the mood they had just put me in. I'd phone Emma later to discuss what the best course of action is.



"Jesus Christ, Becky. I've been trying to phone you all day. Where have you been?"

"Sorry, Chels. I had the day off work and I've spent it with Tony. My God, He is the cutest. He took me on a boat trip around the River Thames. So romantic."

"Wow. You two didn't take long to go on a date. And why didn't you tell me?"

A long pause down the line before Becky responded.

"Well, yeah. I didn't want to jinx it." Her sentence was followed by a giggle.

"He's there now isn't it? Are you.....?" Chelsea cringed in anticipation as she waited for her friends response.

"Haha, no. Well, we have just finished actually."

The cringe from Chelsea's face grew stronger. "Call me later, yeah? I don't want to interrupt round 2."

Without a response from her friend, the phone call ended.

"Bye then!" She said out loud as she threw herself down on her bed, throwing her shoes off into the corner of her room.

Working in the stock room had taken it out of her in the past two days, the feel of her soft pillow against her head was just what she needed. Her feet were throbbing but the excitement of her new follower seemed to outweigh the pain shooting through the soles of her feet.

Her eyes were brimming as she looked down at her Instagram activity page

'Noah started following you'

She loaded up his page once more, scrolling down to her favourite. Noah, stood in just a towel as he stepped out of the old fashioned bath tub. The bathroom he stood in surrounded by exposed brick work, the taps on the bath, painted gold. It look like a bathroom from a movie set.

Her eyes fixed on the droplets of water on his naked torso, his six pack defined. Biting her lip as she felt the rush of want coming from her pussy.

Her hand making its way underneath her black work trousers and pink panties, the soles of her feet now flush against her bedsheets, knees bent.

Closing her eyes and letting out a soft moan as her fingertip found her clit.


So...Noah and Alice?! Good thing? Bad thing?

Let me know your thoughts on this and the rest of the chapter in the comments section!

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