Challenger#8 Dominick VS Marshall

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As it went done to Marshall And Tracker, Marshall raised his Paw to take a shot at Dominick.
Marshall: Me I'll do it.
Dominick: Alright You Ready Marshall???
Marshall: I'M FIRED UP!!!
Dominick: That's the Confidence I like to hear, wooohoo!!!
Marshall Picks Seth Rollins and Dominick Picks John Cena. Before the entrances happened, Everest Gives Marshall a good Luck Kiss, And then Marshall Blushed.
Ryder: Now this one should be good too.
Chase: Yes it will lets go Marshall!!!
They watch Rollins Entrance and Marshall knew right away what part of the theme was about to come on since All of the Pups watch WWE with Dominick all the time

Marshall: BURN IT DOWN!!!
With Marshall saying that it shocked everyone but it impressed Dominick though.
Dominick: Whoa... that... Was... Awesome Marshall!!!
Marshall: Hey we watch it with you what did you expect???
Dominick: I thought you wouldn't know but I guess you do.
Marshall: Yep.
When Marshall said that it bothered Tracker's Ears again.
Tracker: Btw Amigo that hurt my ears ok.
Marshall: Whoops Sorry Tracker.
Tracker: It's ok I forgive you.
Dominick: Alright you ready to see my favorite Wrestler of All-Time??
Marshall: I'm ready!!
Then John Cena's Theme hits

Dominick: Oh yea!!!
Everest: Whoa he looks cool!!
Dominick: Yep that's why he my favorite wrestler of all time Everest.
Everest: Cool!!!
Zuma: Yea that's Pawsome Dude!!!
Dominick: Yea, But now it's time to get real Marshall you ready???
Marshall: Lets Do This!!!
Match Begins with Marshall hitting a drop kick knocking Cena into the corner
Marshall: Lets go that's a nice start there!!!
Dominick: Ok not cool but I'll gonna get you back now.
Marshall: Oh yea let see if you can handle this!!
Marshall picks him up and does the knee to the face and then hits him with a Super Kick
Chase: Go Marshall!!!
Everest: Go Marshy!!!
Marshall: Time to go for the pin.
Ref counts
Referee: 1..2..
Dominick kicks out.
Marshall: Oh so close.
Dominick: Yea very close but I'm not giving up just yet Marshall watch this.
Dominick then starts to make a comeback as he hits Marshall ( Seth Rollins) with punches and then drops him with back body drop and then Hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle.
Dominick: You can't see me Marshall!! Come On now get up.
Marshall: Is that all you got!!
Dominick: Nope but it's about to be.
Dominick grabs Marshall to do the Attitude Adjustment, but Marshall reverses-it into a kick the face and then the Curb Stomp.
Dominick: What?!?!
Marshall: Yes!!!
Everest: Go Marshy you got this!!
Ref counts with Everest Joining In too.
Referee and Everest: 1..2.
And Dominick kicks out.
Marshall and Everest: WHAT?!?!
Dominick: It's not over till I say it's over!!
Marshall: Well looks to me... it is.
Dominick: What are you talking about???
Marshall: Just watch this buddy.
He then grabs Dominick to do a pedigree, he pins Dominick and he kicks out again at two then Marshall growls and then tries to hit another Curb Stomp
Marshall: This is where I burn it down to win Dominick!!!
Dominick: Yea we shall see about that. As he tried to hit it, Dominick reverses it and turns it in to an Attitude Adjustment not one but twice to maybe seal the deal.
Dominick: Alright!!!
Marshall: Well That might be a wrap maybe.
Ref counts
Referee: 1..2..3!!!
And Dominick Beats Marshall.
Dominick: Yes lets go!!!!
Marshall: Aww nice match Dominick!!
Dominick: Thanks you to buddy!!
Chase: Good Try Marshall!!
Everest: Yea good try Marshy!!!
Marshall: *Blushing* Hehe Thanks Guys!!
And Now Dominick focuses on his last Challenger... Tracker.
Dominick: And then there was one... Tracker.
Will Tracker be able to do the Impossible and knockoff Dominick???? Find out next time here on the Wattpad!!!! See ya!!!

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