Chapter 28

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Rafael Barba arrived at Olivia Benson's apartment for a sidebar as promised. "Barba" Noah yelled happily when Olivia opened the door. Barba smiled and quickly entered, he made sure he locked the door behind him. Noah ran to him and wrapped his small arms around his leg. "Hey amigo" Barba said with a smile. He was so happy to be in the apartment. Today, they could have sidebar he wanted to have last night after dinner."Noah, sweet boy let go of Barba's leg," Olivia said trying to unwrap her son's arms from her friend's leg."No!" he yelled."It's ok Liv." Barba said."Barba stay!" Noah said."I'm here Noah", Barba answered. "I bought you a coloring book."Noah let go. "Barba come". The little boy walked quickly to the couch and Barba followed. Noah climbed on the couch, and Barba sat next to him. He gave the boy the animal coloring book he had been holding. Noah laughed as he looked at the cover, on it there was a picture of an elephant, a bear, and a giraffe. Olivia disappeared, and quickly came back with a box of crayons."You want to color sweet boy?""Noah, can I see the book?" Barba asked. Noah gave him the coloring book, and Barba began to flip through it, showing the boy each picture. "Elephant!" Noah said laughing. "Color! " Olivia cleared a space on the table for Noah to use his new coloring book. "Barba come." The boy ran to the table, Olivia grabbed him, and helped him sit down. Barba sat next to the boy, and watched joy fill his face as he colored, sometimes outside the lines. After 25 minutes Olivia put on cartoons for Noah. Barba laughed with him as he watched, All three of them ate leftovers from the night before. Barba played blocks with Noah after dinner, and until it was the boy's bedtime. Barba read him part of The Little Train That Could before the little boy fell into a deep sleep. For hours Olivia watched almost speechless as Barba took care of her son. She was in awe."You Ok Liv?" Barba asked gently as he and Olivia walked out of Noah's room, and to the living room couch. They sat down next to each other. "I've never seen you this quiet." "Thank-you.""For what? Noah's a great little boy.""I know he is. You're great with him.""It's nothing.""It's not nothing, it's a lot. He missed you.""I know this sounds selfish Liv, but I'm glad. I'm glad he remembers me. I missed him. I missed you." Barba studied his best friend. She looked beautiful. She looked tired and stressed. She was wearing blue jeans, a red shirt, and a blue jacket. He had a lot of questions but tonight was not the night to ask all of them. "Rafa" Olivia's voice called Barba out of his worry filled thoughts, He was determined to let her speak before he said another word. "Rafa, I'm sorry I didn't tell you what happened to my hand. I want you to understand. No one has ever checked on me on a daily basis, just to make sure I'm Ok. No one ever asked me to call them when I got home unless there was someone dangerous gunning for me. Until recently I never agreed to be checked on. I've never reported to anyone. I'm not used to it, and I know you don't want to hear this, but I didn't want to worry you for nothing." "Liv if someone hurt me you would want to know about it, and you would be angry if I didn't tell you." Barba saw Olivia's face fill with terror. "I'm Ok, I promise I was making a point." He said truthfully "You're right I would be angry with you. I was angry with you awhile ago when you didn't say anything about the threats you were getting. I just want to know you're safe."See, we're a lot alike.""But I can take care of myself. I'm trained to take care of myself.""Liv. you're fantastic at your job I mean it, you're smart. and you have training, but that doesn't stop me from worrying, and it doesn't stop me from caring. You've been hurt before, and no one knew anything for days. I should have called you, and when you were in that townhouse, I couldn't show it, because I had to get information, make a deal, but I was going out of my mind.""Rafa I'm not used to checking in with anyone but I'm getting used to it. I'm trying.""I get it." Barba answered, he sighed before continuing. "When you saw me at the door, you looked surprised, surprised and relived. You didn't think I would show up today, did you?""No, honestly I thought you might never talk to me again unless it was work related.""Liv, I was angry.I was hurt last night, . I thought my phone callt after I left made it clear that you're stuck with me."Olivia smiled, and let out a little laugh. Oh, am I?""Yes you are." "It's just hard for me to believe.""You mean it's hard for you to trust. Barba said. Olivia thought back to the last time he used that tone with her. It was when he walked into her office, and asked if she was disenchanted with him. He asked her that more than once, and she always wondered why he would think that. She could never be disenchanted with him, but recently she gave him a reason to think she was. She let Dr. Taylor interfere with her friendships, and she was furious with herself for it.. I'm stuck with you till I'm 85?""No", he answered. "much longer.""Well I could do much worse." You are a good man Rafael Barba. Actually you're beyond good.""Shh". Barba said "Don't tell anyone. You'll ruin my reputation." He laughed. He watched Olivia's face suddenly go from happiness to worry again. "What's wrong Liv?""Just before you got here, I got a call from Nicole. She was crying, Victor's family disowned him. That baby that Nicole is carrying needs a father, Victor is willing to be a father, but he needs his family. He's not prepared for life completely on his own, Up until recently he was being trained for his family's business. What's he going to do? What can he do? She paused foe a second before continuing her thought, "for a living?""Liv, we might be able to get justice for Nicole and the other victims, but sometimes that's all we can do. It's not your job to fix Nicole's family, Victor's family or the family they have together.""Isn't it?" Rafa it's my job to help make sure that victims are OK,""I know you're worried about Nicole's baby." Barba said quickly."And now Amber's baby. I hope I made the case easier for you to win.""It's a difficult case Liv, you know that, but I'll do my best.""You always do.""So, did you tell Dr. Taylor about your hand?" "No, I don't want to talk about him. Drop it.""Ok, I will.""Good.""For now." Barba said."Forever"." Olivia replied."For now." Barba repeated. "I think we both need a break.""I mean it Barba". "What did he do?""I'm not seeing him anymore." She said quickly."What happens the next time he makes you feel guilty?""Stop, he doesn't make me feel guilty.""Right", Barba said sarcastically."Do you want to watch a movie or not? I have leftover chocolate chip cookies.""What movie? Barba asked. "Love Story."""No, I'm not watching that with you.""You like old movies. isn't it a classic?""It's a classic but it's depressing."

"I'll get the cookies, you pick a movie."She said.

"Fine." Barba watched as Olivia got up to get some of her favorite cookies. He found a small shelf where she kept DVD's, most of them were for Noah.. He searched and searched ,and could find no DVD that would give them the break they needed. "Liv, anyone ever tell you need a break from sadness?""All the time, you want to give me one?" Olivia answered from the kitchen. I'm trying to woman. you're making it so hard. Barba thought to himself. He sat back down on the couch. He turned on the TV, and began searching for something good to watch. Only You, a romantic comedy from the 90's was going on in about 15 minuets, and after that a movie called Made Of Honor was going on. Olivia walked back into the living room carrying a cookie box. She placed it on the coffee table. She ran back to the kitchen quickly to get napkins and 2 plates. "You find anything?" Olivia asked when she walked back into the room. once again. She placed the plates and napkins next to the cookie box."Yes, I'll get us drinks, we have time, about 15 minutes. He walked into the kitchen."Barba, I only have enough milk for Noah.""I see that." He answered after a short moment. Olivia watched as her friend walked back into the room with 2 glasses of water with lime He put down the glasses on the coffee table, making sure to put napkins underneath since his friend did not have coasters. Barba sat next to Olivia, and turned his body, so that he could look deeply into her brown eyes. "So Liv, what's the story with all the jackets?""I always wear jackets.""At work, yes you do. Not to long ago I walked into your office while you had your jacket off, and you acted like I walked in on you nude.""I did not Barba, I snapped at you, and I'm sorry.""I know, I'm not upset with you, I just want to know why, it's not like you.""It was a very stressful day.""Why the jacket now?""Please, don't ask me that right now. I need a break, we need a break, so let's have one." Olivia knew she could not lie to this man, and she didn't want to. She wanted a drama-free evening with her best friend, the ,man who cared enough to ask the right questions, The movie began, and she focused her attention on the TV. screen. A half hour into Only You, Olivia offered Barba a cookie. He smiled, and took one. Olivia grabbed one for herself. Barba saw the movie they were watching before, that's how he was sure it had a happy ending. He was getting more entertainment watching Olivia eat a cookie, than from the movie. She looked relaxed, and he loved that. When the movie ended, Olivia turned her body toward him, he had a better view of her face. "You have a drop of chocolate on your face." He leaned closer to her, and gently wiped the corner of her mouth. Olivia found herself disappointed when the last of the chocolate was wiped away. She took a sip of water as the next movie began.

Author's note Only You is a romantic comedy that was released in 1994.Made of Honor is a movie that was released in 2008.

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