Chapter 41

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Author's note  Someone has the pen name Authorgirl. On other sites I have used Authorgirl. On this site it was taken.

The instant Rafael Barba opened his apartment door, his mother began yelling, something that stopped him in his tracks, terrified him, and made him feel ill. "Rafi." Lucia said in a softer voice, calling her son out of his trance.

"I'll take care of her mami. I'll take care of her." Barba said softly.

"I'm glad I won't be here for most of the night. I keep telling you, Olivia needs privacy. She's not going to tell you anything with me here." Lucia walked to the dining table, picked up her purse, put it on her shoulder, and turned her face to her son who was now sitting on the couch in deep thought. . Lucia waited a full minute before speaking again. "I'll be waiting outside."

"Mami, why don't you wait inside? How well do you know this guy?"

"I raised you by myself for years, Rafi. I never brought a man home, I didn't want any man around you unless I was serious about them. I didn't want a relationship before now. I have known Felipe for over 20 years"

" I have been an adult for a long time." Why didn't I meet him?"

"We've been hoping to get together for a long time. This is our first date, You'll meet him soon. I'm going to wait outside, I'll scream if I find myself in danger.

"That's not funny." Rafael said in his most serious voice.

It's the truth Rafi, it wasn't meant to be funny, I'm sorry I said it. I know you have been jumping out of your skin since what happened to Olivia. I'm not just giving her privacy tonight, I'm giving you privacy too." With those words Lucia Barba opened the door, and left the apartment. Rafael quickly locked the door.


Rafael rushed to Olivia's room, and knocked softly 3 times. He did not want to knock softly, but he didn't want to frighten her. After the third knock he heard her voice. "Rafa, if that's you, come in." He felt a little relief wash over him, he did not want to have to fight. He opened the door, and slowly entered the room.

"Do you want me to close the door?" He asked. Olivia nodded yes, and Rafael did as she requested. "Sidebar?" He asked, walking in front of the bed where Olivia was sitting.

"OK," Olivia said slowly. "You can sit on the bed with me."

Within seconds Rafael was sitting on the bed next to his best friend. He turned slightly so that he could see her face clearly. Neither of them spoke for a long time. Rafael's eyes were glued to her as he searched for words. He saw her shoulders tense, took a deep breath, and spoke slowly. "When I came home my mother was frantic. She said she thought she used up all the shampoo. so she knocked on the bathroom door, and entered with a new bottle. At that moment you stepped out of the shower, and she saw marks on your back, she said they were belt marks."

"I used the little bit of shampoo that was left in the old bottle. Your mother had no right to the bathroom if she knew I was in the shower!"

"She was trying to help you. It was an accident that she saw the marks.".

Was it or was your mother looking for evidence of an attack?"

"You were attacked.Who ever attacked you should get 25 to life, but no one knows for sure who did it, because you refuse to talk.

"I didn't want your mother to tell you about the marks,, but I knew she would. I'm so ashamed of them. I should have known better. I'm a cop."

"Liv, Rafael said quickly and loudly. "You have nothing to be ashamed of!"

What do you want me to say Rafa? That I'm stupid? That I've felt lost for months? That I never should have let Dr. Taylor into my life? That you were right? That he's a monster?"

"Liv, tell me everything from the beginning. Rafael said heartbroken.

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