Chapter 42

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Author's note Do not read this chapter if you are triggered by violence, sexual abuse or abuse of any kind.

As Olivia looked into Rafael Barba's green eyes, she knew she couldn't hide from him forever. She needed to tell him what happened to her, but he wanted to know everything. I can't tell him everything, I'll lose him. She thought to herself. 10 minutes had passed since Rafael asked her to open up. He had not moved a muscle or spoken one word in that time. No one had ever had that amount of patience with her. "Rafa, you're my best friend. I don't want to be responsible for putting disturbing images in your head, images that are hard to escape." She whispered.

"I'm a big boy Liv, I can handle it. I'm a sex crimes DA."

"You weren't friends with the victims in your cases." Olivia replied.

"I can handle it. Trust me please."

"Where's your mother?"

"She's on a date... with a... guy named Felipe." He answered slowly."I gave her the tickets to Tales of Jerome Avenue."

"I bought them for you. I wanted you to see it." Olivia said, her voice soft, and full of both guilt, and disappointment. "You could have gone. I don't need a babysitter."

"I don't care about the show, I care about you!" He yelled. Olivia flinched, and moved away from him a little. "Liv, Liv, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. I just... I want to help you. I need to help you,"

Olivia slowly moved closer to him. "I know,"She whispered.

"I promise we'll see the show together. I can get tickets. I have theater connections.", Rafael paused for a moment before speaking again. "Liv everyday you help victims become survivors, you help them thrive. Do the same for yourself."

Olivia took a deep breath.. She couldn't take the pain in Rafael's eyes anymore. She took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and began to speak. "I wish that I could tell you that I didn't know how I got here, but I do. After a few dates I thought that Dr. Taylor was normal.."

"Normal, you date a man just because he's normal." Rafael said, louder than he wanted to.

"Normal is good, Normal is nice, Normal is the opposite of a criminal."

"Nobody should date a psychopath, but you can't date someone just because they're normal. You should be with someone you have chemistry with, someone who shares some of your interests, someone you care about. I never understood why you gave this doctor a chance, and who said he was normal? When you first met him you said he was desperate. You're a detective, you have great instincts. Don't you trust them?"

"You're right, It's my fault. I know better."

"Nothing that happened to you in that apartment is your fault, I didn't say that." Rafael sighed before speaking again. "I'm going to shut my mouth until you finish telling me what you need to." He watched Olivia slowly nodded in agreement.

"Dr. Taylor's parents are alive, and together. They've been together for 53 years. He wanted me to meet them." She said softly. "One day he came to the squad room unannounced carrying a garment bag. I was taking a disclosure.. Fin stopped him from interrupting. As I was walking out to take the victim to the hospital for a rape kit, I told him, I was working. When I came back he was still there. Fin was talking to him, and suggesting that he leave. I walked up to them, and then I escorted Dr. Taylor into my office. I told him not to come to my work. He was so upset. He reminded me that I agreed to go to a hospital benefit with him scheduled for that night, I forgot, I apologized,and told him to wait outside of my office. He dropped the garment bag and left. 10 minutes later I came out into the squad room wearing the dress he bought over.

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