Chapter 23

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Olivia sat at her desk trying not to think of today's meeting with Nicole Price. It was 8:PM, and to Olivia, it felt like this day was never-ending. Her mind drifted to the weekend rapist, no rapes were reported with his M.O. for awhile. Did he leave town, if he did where was he? She jumped at the sound of a tapping on her open office door. ""Whoa". Barba said gently walking into the room. "Did I scare you?"

"No", Olivia answered. "I was just thinking?"

"About?" Barba said walking up to her desk.

"Nothing good." She admitted. "I was just about to call you, it's so nice of you to take me home in your car every night lately, but I have so much paperwork, I don't want to keep you waiting."

"5 minuets Liv."

"Then you're leaving ok?"

"No, it's been a long day. In 5 minuets you're going to put down the paperwork. and leave this office with me." She grabbed a pen, and didn't say a word. Barba knew she wouldn't. She was too tired to argue with him. 5 minutes passed and they were walking out of SVU together. Within 10 minutes Barba was opening the car door for Olivia. She thanked him. He smiled at her, got in the driver's side, and drove her home to her son.


"Are you going to talk to me?" Barba asked after Lucy left Olivia's apartment.. Noah was sleeping. Olivia hadn't said one word to her best friend since he drove away from the precinct, and he was worried. Her back was to him..

"Thank-you for taking me home."

"Barba sighed." Talk to me Liv."

"Can you believe it's May already?"

"Are we going to talk about the weather?"

"What do you want to talk about? Maybe you should leave, I'm not the best company right now."

"Liv, you're always the best company."

"Then,you need to get out more." Barba was about to say something witty back, but at that moment she turned, and her eyes met his. Most of the color had drained from her face. She looked exhausted, and he could see she was in pain.

"Liv, sit down, lay down."

"I'm fine Barba." She said moving to the couch.

"You're running yourself down."

"I'm not, I'm fine. You can go."

"Do you want me to go?" He said softly.

"No, you can stay if you want."

"Good, because I need a sidebar, that meeting with Nicole was tough."

"That's an understatement." I'll be right with you. I gotta check on Noah." Olivia got up, and disappeared into Noah's room, moments later Barba heard her open and close her bedroom door. Moments after that, Olivia walked quickly back into the living area. She was dressed in navy blue yoga pants, and an NYPD T-shirt. She stood in front of Barba, who was still sitting on the couch. "You know, Nicole ruined Victor's life right?"

"No." Barba said "I think she just complicated it. I never charged him, I didn't have enough evidence, and Nicole and Victor knew that."

"She still accused the man she supposedly loves of a crime, she now says he didn't commit. Did she, think of his future? Once someone is accused of rape they're always under supposition."

"The way Nicole sees it, the only people who would ever know about the false allegation she made are the people in my office, SVU., and the 2 families involved. She knew he would never be put on the registry, because he would never be charged."

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