Chapter 38

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Rafael felt Olivia jump a little at the sound of his mother's voice, welcoming her. She gripped his hand tighter. "Hello Mrs. Barba. It's good to see you.""Please, let's drop the formalities. Call me Lucia. May I call you Olivia?""Of course." Olivia answered softly."Good." Lucia replied with a smile. "Sit down, you've had a rough few days." She said pointing to a large black couch at the center of the room. Without a word, Olivia moved slowly, still clutching Barba's hand. Barba moved at her pace, afraid at any moment she would let go of him.They made it to the couch, and slowly sat down, their hands still linked. For the first time since walking into Rafael's living room/ dining room area Olivia took in her surroundings. The walls were white, the floor was made of chestnut wood,, at the right side of the room was a small dining table, and straight ahead was a small black and white kitchen area. From what she could see the layout of Barba's apartment was a lot like hers, ,but bigger. "Thank-you Lucia." Olivia whispered"For what?" Luica waved her hand in front of her face dismissively. She walked in front of the couch, and Olivia quickly removed her hand from Rafael's like a nervous school girl. Lucia was infuriated that this strong woman sitting in front of her had to endure whatever she endured, but she was proud that she raised a son strong enough to be there for her. "Give me your car keys Rafi. I'm getting the things out of the car." Rafael reached into the pocket of his pants, and did as he was told."No!" Olivia exclaimed. "I only have one bag, I'll get it." She started to get up"Liv, sit down." Barba wanted to gently pull her back down on the couch, but he didn't make a move, he was afraid a sudden touch would terrify her right now. 'Liv you need some rest.""After I get my bag.""Hey Superwoman, sit down!. I 'm stronger than I look. I carry groceries up a 3 story walk- up." The motherly authoritative tone in Lucia's voice caught Olivia off guard. and caused her to obey the order. Lucia quickly buttoned up her beige winter coat., and walked toward the front door. She hadn't taken the coat off since she arrived at her son's apartment 2 hours before.. "Rafi, put the heat on, it's freezing in here." She said as she walked out, closing the door behind her."You Ok?" Barba asked after a few seconds."Yeah." Olivia answered. "Your mother's tough.""That's an understatement." Barba stood up and gave his best friend a warm half smile. "She got the incredible Olivia Benson to sit down." Barba continued referring to his mother."She's scary." Olivia answered, smiling. In a flash, her mood changed. her brown eyes went wide, and she spoke quickly. "Where are you going?""I'm putting the heat on." He said gently. "I'm here.". He moved slowly. Her eyes were following him as he walked across the room. He turned the heat on quickly and walked back to her. Her face relaxed as he sat beside her. "I'm here Liv. I'm not going anywhere. How are you feeling?""Fine."Barba turned his body so that he could see her eyes. "How are you really?""Achy. That's normal. I have a bad case of the flu.""And you were beaten.""Don't worry I'm not contagious anymore.""You know I'm not worried about that.""Why not?""Dr. Wilder wouldn't t have released you if you were, and if your fever comes back we'll deal with it.""If my fever comes back I'm leaving. I don't want you getting sick,""We'll deal with it." Barba said with determination. Olivia was silent for a long moment, Rafal's green eyes were locked on her brown ones."Why is your mother here?""She's my mother. She has a key. She's welcome here anytime she wants.""Why is she here now?""I... I thought you would be more comfortable with her here.""You called her to help you deal with me. I knew it." She looked away from him, and his heart sank. "I can take care of myself. I don't need a babysitter!""She's' not a babysitter, she cares about you.""No, no! She loves you, you're her son, she'd do anything for you. She doesn't care about me. She doesn't know me! Did she take off work to help you with me?"Yes." He answered softly."How could you do that Barba? How could you ask her to take off work for me.?" She yelled. She's family, you're family Barba thought, but didn't say out loud. "I'm out of here. Thank your mother for me, and tell her she can go back to work on Monday." She rose from the couch, walked 4 steps, and clutched her ribs. Barba rushed to her, and was by her side in seconds. He watched her. She looked like she was about to scream, but she refused to.. He wrapped his arm around her protectively. She leaned against him, and he supported her as they walked back to the couch.They were seated a few moments before Barba broke the silence. "I thought you would be more comfortable with my mother here in case you need help... showering or something. I know you're used to taking care of yourself alone. I know you hate to hear this, but you need help right now." His eyes locked with hers again, she tried to blink away tears. "Trust me Liv?" He pleaded."I do Rafa. I'm here because I trust you. I gave Dr. Wilder permission to keep you updated on my condition." Most of it, Rafael thought. but didn't say. "I'm sorry. I just... I don't want to be a burden on your mother. She shouldn't take off work for me.""She wanted to. Liv. one of these days I'm gonna convince you, you are not a burden. I'm getting you some ice." Before he could get up Olivia grabbed his hand, ."Not yet. I promise I'll put it on soon. Just stay with me for a few minutes." He squeezed her hand, and stayed right where he was. "As soon as my mother gets back, I'm getting that ice.""Ok." She whispered."Liv, I want you to get a restraining order." Olivia was about to say something when the front door opened.."I'm back. Lucia announced stepping into the apartment carrying Olivia's bag, and the take-out from Anglo's. "I'm eating this takeout "Rafi, you and Olivia are eating my chicken soup for dinner." Rafael rolled his eyes. Lucia put Olivia's bag down. She walked to the kitchen area, and quickly placed the takeout in the fridge. The soup is ready, we'll eat in about 15 minutes."Olivia let go of Rafael's hand and stood up. "Where are you going now?" Barba asked, concerned."I have to call Noah. My cell phone is in my bag." Barba reached into his pocket, took out his cell phone and handed it to her. She sat down."I'll get you that ice now." Barba said."Thank-you", she whispered , as she dialed the phone.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLucia had been sitting with her son and Olivia at the dining table for the past hour. She studied her son. His soup bowl was empty. He didn't say a word which was very unlike him. Periodically, he glanced over at Olivia, he would look away before she noticed. Lucia was almost certain she knew what was going through his mind. "How is your son Olivia?" She asked, unable to bear the silence for a minute longer. "Good." Olivia answered It was the first word she'd spoken since she sat down at the table. "Lucy, the sitter read him a story. He's probably sleeping now. He should be.""You'll see him soon Olivia." Lucia replied gently, reading the sadness in her voice. "I know." Olivia paused for a second. "He's safe, that;s what's important." Lucia nodded slowly."You barely touched your soup." Lucia continued,"It's delicious. I just don't have an appetite.""You don't want to eat. That's ok... for now." Lucia said standing up from the table. "If you need me for anything. I'll be reading." She turned and walked down a narrow hallway. Olivia heard a door close. "Your mother is angry at me. I'm taking her away from her school. Tell her to go back Monday.""She's not angry with you Liv. She just hates to see you hurt yourself. It's hard to watch.""I'm not hurting myself Rafe. I'm not hungry.""Try to eat something Liv, you'll recover faster.." Rafael said softly. He watched as she picked up the spoon beside her. He didn't say a word as he watched her eat half the soap. She put the spoon down, and he smiled."You win Barba." I... I miss my son."Liv, you'll see him soon.""I can't wait until I'm able to go back to my apartment to see him.""I told you Liv, I have plenty of room. This is a 3 bedroom.""You'll have your own room while you're here, and Noah can have his own space." Olivia looked shocked. "Do you need to take a shower or bath.?""No, I took a shower before we left the hospital today. Thanks for buying me this sweatshirt dress. It's so comfortable.""I'm glad you like it. Is it warm enough?""Yes. Rafa when did you have time to buy it for me?"Barba smiled and let out a little laugh. It's called the internet Liv. I ordered it from a store on the internet. I had it delivered to this address, and when I came home to grab some clean clothes, I picked it up from my doorstep, and took it to the hospital.""Thank-you." She said quietly."It was easy.""Thank-you", Olivia repeated. Barba stood up, collected the dishes, and cleaned up quickly. When he was done, he found Olivia sitting on the couch."You should get some sleep, I'll show you the bathroom and your room." He said, sitting beside her."I can't sleep." She answered quickly and quietly."You wanna play cards or listen to music?""Another time." She leaned closer to him. He slowly, gently, and protectively wrapped his arm around her. She scooted closer, closed her eyes, and placed her head on his shoulder..        

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