Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning hearing strange noises from the kitchen.
It's been a couple of weeks since the wedding and we are still in Canada. We are staying at Jessica's and I's apartment since she and Jason are still on their honeymoon. I still haven't told anyone but Jessica that I said Phil and when Tyler and I kissed. I don't know how to tell anyone.
I got up from my bed and headed to see what the noise was. I slowly walked into the kitchen to see Dan and Phil making a food video. I stood off to the side and watched them film it. Honestly it's a lot funnier in person 'cause they cut a lot of the funny bits out. Let's just say they had a bunch of Phan moments.
Turns out they were making their Halloween sweets video. I stood there trying to hold in my laughter as the boys are mixing the batter.
Finally I couldn't hold it in anymore and I burst out laughing.
Phil turns towards me as the colour drained from his face. Dan did the same.
"Oh h-hey Jenna." Phil stuttered out.
"Hey boysssss." I say dragging out the 's'.
"How long have you been standing there?" Dan asked wiping off batter onto his skinny jeans.
I threw a towel at him. "Almost the whole time. And hey don't wreck your jeans with batter or what ever that is." I say scrunching my nose at the sight of the vomit coloured batter.
"It's batter. It was supposed to be green but it didn't work out very
well." Phil explained trailing off slightly at the end.
"Yeah I can see that. Here," I said actually walking into the kitchen and passing them decorations for their disaster pieces, "You'll need these. Call me back in here when you are done. I wanna see and taste these suckers." I finished saying and walked out of the room.
As soon as I did so, I could hear them get back to their video and I laugh to myself. That was the grosses sight I've ever seen and that's coming from a baker who has seen some pretty nasty looking desserts.

After they finished making their cupcakes, they called me into the dinning room to help eat them. The cupcakes turned out to be brown and the ones Phil decorated had orange icing and Dan's had green icing.
"Here we set a couple aside for you. They haven't come near our M&M's and stuff." Dan said pointing at the end of the table as he disconnects the camera from the stand.
"Thank you boys." I walked over and looked at the cupcakes carefully. I sat down and put some orange icing on one of them and took a cautious bite.
"Mmmmmmmmm! That's actually really good!" I exclaim, mouth full of cupcake.
"Never judge a book by its cover eh?" Phil said smirking.
"Nope never again. Butttt! That doesn't mean I totally trust your guys' baking methods though." I say giggling.
Just then, my phone goes off .
"Helloooooo?" I say answering my cell after swallowing. I decided to put it on speaker since my fingers are covered in frosting and cupcake.
"Hey Jenna it's Josh-"
"Haha hi guys! You're on speaker. Whats up?" I say laughing slightly.
"So you know how we are on tour right now?" Josh continued.
"Yup! Wouldn't forget that!"
"Well I was wondering if you and your roommates wanted to come to one of our shows?"
"Omj really?"
"Omj? What does that mean?" Ian asked confused.
"It means, 'Oh my Josh'. It's a trencher thing. You wouldn't understand." I said giggling.
"Haha okay and yes really. I was even going to invite Anya to come so you could meet her." Josh answered.
"Ooo!! Joshy has a gurly friend!! When did this happen?"
"Not that long ago." Matt replied.
"Ooo!! Well what do you think boys?" I say turning to Dan and Phil.
"I think it sounds like fun!" Phil says excitedly.
"Yeah I think so too. Where abouts is the concert?" Dan asks.
"It's in New Zealand and the concert is on the 30th." Mike replied.
"It's the 25th today!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah sorry about the late notice. We were going to mail you the tickets but we didn't know where in London you lived." Matt stated.
"Well we are actually back at my place right now."
"Oh that's right! Tell Jessi and Jas congrats!" Ian exclaimed.
"I shall!!"
"Guys!!!" I hear someone tell in the background.
"Coming!! So that's all the time we have!! Almost show time!! See you soon!!" Mike says.
"Byyyyyeee!!" I reply
"Bye!" The band chimes at the same time and the line goes dead.
"Well we better get packing then!!"

*A couple days later on the plane*
"This is exciting!" I exclaim bouncing in my seat.
"Sure is!" Dan says laughing slightly.
"Haha why don't you get some rest. I'll wake you when we get there or food comes." Phil instructs.
"Finneeeee. Nanight my favourite Youtubers." I lay my head on Phil's shoulder and put my feet and legs on Dan's and quickly fall asleep.

*Jenna's Dream*
I wake up in the middle of the road. It's winter out. I remember this place from the last time I was here.
Just then, a car comes screaming around the corner honking it's horn at me and trying to stop. I look over to see Dan on one side and Phil on the other. I look forward again at the car and just before it hits me, I get knocked out of the way. I open my eyes to see Phil's lifeless body where I used to be. The car is now gone and I race to Phil's side.
"Oh Phil!!!" I sob into his shirt.
"P-please don't d-die on me!! I need you! I have to th-things to tell you! Please Ph-Phil..."
I hear sirens and Dan saying, "Don't worry Jenna. I'm here for you. If Phil is gone then we can be together, right?"

*End of Dream State*
I wake up gasping for air. It's all clear now. I need to tell Phil how I truly feel before it's too late.

Hey sorry that I haven't updated for a while. School is crazy!!! Exams are coming up too so I'll update when I can. So winter break eh?
How did yours go?? Comment below!!!
Hey you guys should go read the book called You Saved Me (Josh Ramsay Fanfiction) by AngelfromHell1246! And while you are at it you should follow her too!! Her name is Anya and is a fantastic writer!!
Oh!! I made a Twitter for us!
Just search up either sealgrils21 or Jenna (Author) and I should come up. And yes, the (Author) part is included in the Twitter name so don't leave it out when searching.

Well thanks for reading and one more important thing!!!

We hit 12K views!!!! Thank you so much for everyone's support and feed back!!! With out you all, there would be no Dan and Phil book.
Thanks again to everyone!!!
And as always;




~Jenna (Author)
Follow me on Twitter for sneak peaks on the book and when I'm updating.

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