phone sex

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Squip x squip

(I wanna put a tone of ships in here, I dont ship this one but I wanna give a chance for every one to have there ship in here. You want your ship in here comment it and I'll do it. )

Two river x book squip.
Two river= eric
Book squip= squip.

Eric was getting the squip all time favorite snacks ever, crackers, gushers, cupcakes, ice cream, and chocolate milk. He was going to treat his little squippy.

Squip always acted like a child, he was more mature yes but he would act like hes the boss. Get showed hes not the boss. Then act like a baby for the rest if the day.

While eric was put shopping he had to get chocolate milk from another store because the squip didnt like Walmart chocolate milk, so he had to make s trip to target. Yet it's the same milk. But the squip had other plans. He called eric.

"Hay baby, I'm almost done. I'm getting time chocolate milk and I'll be home soon" eric said softly

"No. You go to the bathroom"

"Are you telling me what to do?" Eric said making his way to the bathroom into the only stall they had.

"And what if I am?" The squip said, he knew what he was doing. He was going to get fucked when eric came home.

"Your not the boss. I am" eric said in a sudden diffrent tone. That tone made the squip fall right into submission.

"N-no.." the squip stuttered to keep up.

"I want you on the bed. Pants off." Eric said the squip followed the rules. This time he didnt know if he had to do the job or if he had to get ready.

"I want you to get the bottle of lube. Pour it all over your pretty little hole. If you need more I want some inside of that hole to" eric said through the phone, he knew the squip was doing it and the squip would always lisen to him, he can easily image it. Once eric heard a moan he knew the squip put lube inside him. Eric unzipped his pants getting his dick out. He knew lising wasnt going to help him out. "I want you to send a picture of that lube leaking ass of yours"

The squip followed and took a picture of a tone of lube spilling out of him.

"Good boy. Daddys very proud. You may out two fingures in" eric said starting to jack himself off hearing the squip moans. "Move them around as if I was the one spreading you out. Make sure you put some of that lube back into your ass you slut" the squip followed the rules he was given moaning into the phone.

After a while of listening to the squip stretch himself eric got tired of it. "I want you to grab the bug vibrator and shove it up your ass" eric said through the phone "if it's to big go down a size" he added. Eric was always kind when it came to his baby. Sometimes. Most time during sex he isnt.

"Y-yes sir" the squip followed instructions and shoved the big one up. "Once ready you may move it as your pace and turn it on at the speed you want it at" he said jacking off to the squip moans once he followed the rules.

The squip would moan out the words daddy, yes, fuck, fuck me, and the last one.  I'm close. "Im close daddy!" Eric heard through the phone. "Go ahead and cum baby " eric said cumming into his hand. A waste of cum that isnt in his baby he will fix that. Thw squip soon came "take everything out. Stay on that bed. Once I felt your chocolate milk your in for a treat"

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