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Jerenys POV
Micheal has been a bad bad boy day, teasing me at school, pressing into me when we where with friends, and Evan tried to get me to play with him when we where outside.

"Micheal baby" I called out and he ran in, Michael was wrapped up in a blanket "come sit" I say and he sits in my lap snuggling to me.

I flip him o to his stomach. "Count" I say.

Me and micheal where walking to school, he was holding onto my hand with a sucker in his mouth, he wouldn't take it out then licks it before putting it back in. Damn.

Later at lunch and went and sat in my lap moving his hips around, he talked to everyone just moving his hips on my cock.

We went to Rich's house and hung out for a bit and he kept whining for me to let him sit in his lap, so I did and he was happy, but when the Wii remote shook he outfit on my thigh.

Oh our way home he kept trying to get me to figure him, the whole walk home.

I take the blanket off micheal, his perfect thick ass was out in his boxers, j raise a hand and brought it back down fast. "One!" He cried.

I cuntine till we hit 20. After he counted it I rubbed his ass softly

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