A/N- I Need Your Help

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Judging by the title- I must sound like Dora.

(Winks to all of my friends).

But no, my dear Wattpad buddies, I'm most terribly sorry to say that I am not a map carrying girl. I'm here to say that I need your help.

Now, don't give me the stink eye after I say this but... WE ALL JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!

I mean, who's going to click on a book that only has a yellow background? Not a lot.

And I want more readers on this book, I want them to enjoy this book and my other ones too. So I have a question for you guys.

Did you see the two covers I made?

If you did then yeah... If you didn't, then I have them up. Anyways, I need your help for this. Tell me in the comments which cover you like better. (List it by 1, 2 and 3 please). And I'll make that cover official.

If you have any covers, send them over! I'll choose if I want it and I'll give you full credit! I Promise!

Please help me with this. The pictures are in the bar thiny.

Thank you!

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