Cheap Cheap

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I just watched bird box and yes my windows are covered, of course they are. My sister and I were being idiots opening the blinds and saying "its so beautiful, open your eyes" while I ran around with a tea towel tied around my head and my sister trying to take it off and I grabbed my other brother and sisters hands who were playing too and I said "listen to me don't take your blindfolds off ;-; I just realised how stupid I am ;~;

And I actually didn't mind it even though the movie was slightly different to what happened in the book they kept it along the lines off the original story plot and overall it was enjoyable and scary enough too make you cover your windows with blankets and newspaper

The casting overall was good although I don't remember the houses owner being Asian hey not that I mind I just thought he'd be older and Lydias father (cant remember name) being trapped in garage, And Malories sister killed herself in the bathroom not rolling the car then getting hit by a dumptruck, Oh but I liked Tom's "its just a speed bump" "crunch~ Squish~" "yeah just a speedbump a wet crunchy one yeah"

Too bad Tom had to die it was terrible 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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