No.3: creepy arse children

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Ok so if your child says creepy shit like sitting in a corner saying "I see dead people" or there heads turn 180 degrees around its time to put them up for adoption or just pack your bags and leave, or if they get possessed go now or die simple just pack your bags and leave

Exorcist, never work
Keeping them, you'll die
Killing them, they'll just kill you

The only option get the fuck out of there as quick as possible and catch the earliest plane halfway across the world

Or if you love the child to much to do that drop em off at a relatives house and say your gunna be away for a very long time on a business trip Lisa them on he head and get outta there and never come back

The clip up there ⬆️ is from scary movie 2 you should totally watch them there hilliarious rip offs of horror movies 😂

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