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Sorry I haven't been on lately I have reallly bad WiFi I don't have any any credit and I've been using school WiFi so I can only use it  during school hours ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')/ ̄

And I've been trying to think of new chapters if you have anything at all I'll take it

And one more thing I FINALLY GOT MY "The Howling" I'm so happy 😃 I watched it all, the only thing that I'd change is that the werewolf looked to sketchy like they were made of clay and paper not the best special effects I've seen but it was still good it made me jump a little when it jumped out of nowhere I knew it was coming just didn't know when and that's all for now I'll rewatch all my horror movies and pick up stuff from there

and now its the holidays I can use my computer and my mums wifi cause why not

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