Weird and funny nicknames for the killers

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Weird/and or funny nicknames for the killers that people/other characters have given them

N0.1: Freddy Krueger- bacon face/and or pizza face
(Personally one of my favourites 😂)

No.2: hannibal lecter- Hanny the canny or hannibal the cannibal
(Isn't it convenient they made his name rhyme with cannibal witch is what he is anywho I love lthis nickname and his movies mostly the ones with Anthony Hopkins in them he's the best)

No.3: Jason voorhees- hockey puck (this ones courtesy of Freddy Krueger from Freddy vs Jason kinda funny but Jason's my bubba fuck you freddy) (I like Freddy too 😐)

No.4: Ghostface- ghostie (Ghostface is awesome I'm curios who was your favourite killer from the scream series,I like the original billie Loomis and so does my sister)

No.5: leatherface- bubba (I'm pretty sure this is his actual nickname anyway it's perfect for him he's such a cutie I watched this when I was five or six and it scared the shut out of me but I love it 😍)

No.6: penny wise- Ronald McDonald rip off
(I found one!!!!! Yay!! Lol it suits him well
Pennywise: ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ') my life is ruined('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`))

No.7: pinhead- pin cushion
(haha 😂 found this one while reading an awesome story shit I can't remember there name but they're really good I'll try and find it for yous)

If you've got a better nickname for penny up there by all means comment it to me and the others I can't find names for like Michael Myers, Chucky, Tiffany, Carrie etc.

No.8: Charles lee ray (Chucky) - chuckles
(I was just re-reading the chapters of this book and I thought Chucky=chuckles! I love it!!!)

No.9:Tiffany valentine-tiff
(its original but cute I like it)

No.10: Michael Audrey Myers-  mikey
(again simple but cute I don't know how he would feel about being called Mikes... yeahhhhh... know that I think about he probably would've driven his knife through you by now unless your very special to him)

No.11: carrie- Bloody Mary (.  ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')〜〜🔪here's the knife to end my life my poor baby she no need be picked on
Carrie: 🔪〜〜('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ') you need dis knife to end your life it okay I is fine shh i is ok You is ok we all bes okay shh)

There that's the end for now I don't know why my font went al weird I have no idea how to change it soo yeahhh cya I might be updating late cause I have footy training bai

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