Cliche 1

103 3 10

Black people. I mean no offence in saying this but a horror movie cliche is black people, They always die first in movies with this cliche or if they have an annoying wise ass white guy they'll die first then the black person but some also have the stupid horny blonde chick with big tits in that case they'll die first.

I don't know why, they must have something against the said three killers targets in cliche movies. I don't know email the directors or something ask them why they being racist and rude I don't know never did never will maybe horror movie directors have a thing against them or perhaps they just can't think of anything original. I wouldn't know but that's one so if your (in a cliche horror movie. I'm so sorry if this offended anyone I wasn't a very smart child back then please excuse me for this)
2. A wise arse
Or 3. A dumb blonde chick with big boobs u might as well be dead already

Some movies where the black guys die first:
Get out
I am legend: (not really sure if it's a horror movie but zombies+people= horror to me zombies one of the only things I'm scared of)
Scary movie: (absolutely hilarious it's not really a horror more of a parody of scream still funny tho)
Scream 2
The shining
A few others I can't be bothered to write so comment what you think about these cliches

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