common sense

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*ok hey guys im back and im on a role I don't even know what day it is today is it Monday or Sunday I haven't a clue but anyways another update yay!*

Ok so use your common sense guys is it really that hard I mean whats the use if your trying to outrun a monster like um how about Godzilla yeah lets go with that so imagine your running through the streets and Godzilla makin its way down town and your runnin how do you think that's gonna turn out you lookin like some dog shit Godzilla stood in and now has to scrape off the bottom of its foot use your common sense yes Godzilla's big and slow but dem legs are longer and bigger then ours and not to mention they weigh a ton so instead of running try hiding like jumping to the side to avoid being mush and if its another giant creature well figure that out for your self cause 

I don't tend to watch movies such as Godzilla but I  made an exception for it and I like both new and old Godzilla now I know its not nearly as good as 1998's interpretation on Godzilla but all in all I liked it. It was actually quite enjoyable it was slightly like the old one with a modern twist on it now I want your guys opinions

Which Godzilla movie is your favourite? new or old?

like I said both were good in my opinion, Now how about yours?


well here's another chapter done you know I never thought i'd start writing this book for a while I had nothing that was until my nan allowed me too get two movies (oh yeah spoiler alert if you haven't yet seen TCM 2003's adaptation) 

it was such a hard decision you know there was so many good ones but I chose TCM, which actually had TCM: the beginning as well as TCM I think it was the 2003's adaptation all in all I loved it just as much but I must say TCM: the beginning I actually thought that chick was going to live till I remembered she forgot to check the back seat dumb bitch but yeah and I also got Child's Play even though ive seen its a little weird that the only chucky movie I have on cd Is cult of chucky and i still love good ol chucky oh and by the way that reminds me have any of you guys gone to see the New Childs play

 I'd have gone had I not seen the trailer first I hated it they took away the creepy voodoo vibe away and now its just your typical modern adaptation of basically any old horror movie I mean some where good like It (2017) it didn't stray too far from the original but Childs play making Chucky a robot for fucks sake is robots the new rage or something cause that's all I've been seein lately and its annoying they really need to stop fucking with classics like Childs play, Friday the 13th, etc.  

and I've been led to believe that this new chucky doesn't talk come on we all know Chucky is known for his bad puns, witty sometimes stupid comebacks. Hes just known for having a funny personality hes just not some computer generated emotionless robot they messed with Chucky too much and "YOU DONT FUCK WITH THE CHUCK" 

I mean he may talk I haven't seen the movie as of yet nor would I like too its just a waste of money. in my opinion that is. But if he did it wouldn't make any difference im sure that most would agree itd be weird to have someone who's not Brad Dourif voice chucky as well im sure if you happened to walk past Brad Dourif or heard him talk to someone (I doubt you would, but well just for the sake of it go along) it wouldn't be like "hey look its brad" you'd be like "hey I know that voice. Fuck its Chucky" you see what I mean. 

wow I did not mean to turn this too a rant but im keen to see your views and opinions.

Horror shit and how to surviveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora