⚠️ZOMBIES!! Caution! ⚠️

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Ok so hopefully everyone here knows what a zombie is if ya don't well it's basically a diseased cannibal that affects almost everyone except for the few survivors who suddenly became lower on the food chain then expected

Anyways so Zombies, I hate zombies most of you probably hate them too who would want a cannibal that if they bite you you turn into one too people say their not real ah ha (*cough* my friends *cough*) you just wait until they come smashin down your door wanting you delicious body (O3O) and I'll be standing there goin ahatold you so but from a distance so zombies and what to do with those nasty spawns from hell

Some good Zombie movies/tv shows:
The Walking Dead (it was good for a while then it went for a walk down boring lane)

Zombieland (dis movie ruined theme parks for me and clowns I never looked at either the same way again)

Shaun of the dead ( it's hilarious most fund it quite disturbing still funny though)

World war z (now I loved dis movie a)

And I can't think of any other good movies you can tell me some in the comments if you like and I'll be sure to add them

Some survival tips:

1: Find shelter

(Does this need an explanation really save yourself the trouble of dying from the freezing cold and can also be used as a barrier against the undead outside)

2: Find a trustworthy group

(If you want somewhat of a guaranteed safety. A group is always ideal cause you can have someone keep watch and you can always settle down somewhere and try to set up somewhat of a civilisation)

3: Ammo and food is important you are going to need it

4: Have a weapon for Christ's sake You can't exactly fight a zombie bare fisted

(I mean you could but would you want to risk it biting you when you could've shot it mind you I don't recommend shooting cause it draws attention)

5: Have a distraction in case a runner come as after you

(Runners are zombies that run and are harder to kill cause there well they're fast)

6: Always look on the ground for Crawlers

(crawlers are zombies that have no legs or are just a torso that crawl around on the ground and they can bite your ankle or leg so keep a look out)

7: don't go into cities go somewhere secluded and unpopulated

8: schools, public bathrooms and hospitals are a big no no

That's all I can be bothered to right for that one

Types of zombies:

Walkers: ok so walkers as you can tell by their name they walk an dare very slow doesn't mean you still shouldn't run like holy hell so they walk slowly/limp and are very clumsy there easy to get away from if you know your stuff

Shamblers: they are zombies that probably have a broken leg and shamble along at a very slow pace so don't decide walking is a good option still run like no tomorrow

Crawlers: Zombies that crawl around on the ground because they probably have no legs or are just a torso with a head (probably look like when you get mad at your sister and tear the legs off her barbie doll cause of a petty fight) and these are a bit sneakier so keep a look out on the ground they could bite your ankle or legs best wear long sturdy boots you can run in

Now the worst kind

Runners: now by their name you probably guessed these shitholes run so by far there the worst I hate these zombies nobody likes a zombie that can run nobody who even likes zombies anyway so if you encounter one of these run don't question it run break your leg run fix it later,sprain your ankle just run unless you want to become next on their To-Eat list

Srry for the wait guys I've been busy with school god damn them giving me homework first day back do I haven't been able to write amongst a whole lot of other reasons why

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