14 | dear moon

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"Oh moon, my moon

I'm not trying to own you

The reason why you're so dazzling too me

Is because I am a pitch-black night" - Jaehwi (My Mister OST Part 4)


I sigh as I sit on the floor beside my window. Everything now seems to be calm.

I wonder when was the last time that I stopped and had just simply looked up. At these bright, shining things that were above me. And appreciate them for their light, always guiding me through the darkness.

The night view from my window is quite nice, I've missed it ever since I left to stay at mom's big and bad mansion. Though my room is gigantic, with a king sized bed and a beautiful antique vanity with my wardrobe filled to the brim with designer clothes just my size, I miss the familiarity of home, the cinnamon smell of grams, and the sound of rain pattering down on the roof at night that never fails to lull me to sleep.

At that mansion, the noisy ticking of the antique clocks keep me awake, and the words Rose had said, haunts me.

My thoughts go to the twins whom I met. And then I think about Rose. These kids' eyes shining brightly like the stars before me. Their innocence is too pure for the circumstances that they're under. I feel a sudden sense of responsibility and duty to these children whom I just met.

I want to help them.

I look under my bed where the box containing Joon's favourite toy car that he passed on to me is hidden. That and all the things that could be salvaged after my mother threw all of his things away, heartbroken and insane from the pain of his death.

On my knees, I dig it out from under my bed and blow the dust off the lid that flies up in the air with a puff like white smoke. I begin to cough immensely but slap my hand to my mouth, hoping that my father wouldn't be able to hear.

It's approximately 1AM now but with the help of grams, I was able to sneak into the house after coming back from the safehouse. If my father finds out I'm here, he might snitch on my mom, which angers me because they seem to be in cahoots now, he seems to have forgotten and forgiven my mother for tearing our family apart.

I grip the wooden box in my hand. It was made by Joon when he took woodwork classes. He was someone that would give everything a try, no matter what it was even if it wasn't his forte.

I admire the design for awhile, the delicate engravings of swirls and curves look pretty and it seems he spent a lot of time on it.

He was also one of those people who was good at everything. It angered me, but it always sparked great competitions between us. Ones that I would always lose at. I'd always forget that he was way older and wiser than me.

I begin to open the box slowly, afraid that if I wasn't careful, I'd break something. Breaking something in it felt like it would be breaking a part of him.

I take the toy car out first, its dust floating in the air and making me sneeze a few times. I don't know why but the first thing I think about is of Rose, and how she would never be able to meet Joon who would have been a great brother to her. Instead of a sister like me who is clumsy and always too rash, she would benefit much more with a patient and thoughtful brother like him. Like how he was to me.

Maybe I can give this to her.

Giving Rose a piece of Joon seemed like a good idea to me. She should at least know of his existence, hold the things that he treasured if she could never hold him.

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