13 | egotistic

24 1 0

"I have nothing to say, go away

What more can be said?

Even if I get mad, it will only tire my lips

So do whatever you want" - MAMAMOO


"What the hell happened to your face?" I gasp as I charge at Elijah, cupping his face in to my small hands. I turn his head left to right to access his fresh bruise on his high cheek bone and the blood on his lip.

I look to Kai for an explanation who's sitting on the couch, looking more paler than usual, holding a small first-aid kit that I presume is for Elijah. He seems to be swallowing something, like guilt or a secret and only looks down, refusing to meet my eyes.

"Our daddy did that." I look to the two twins, probably the same age as Rose, who look very similar to Elijah. The girl has a red ribbon tied around her cornrows, wearing a poofy yellow dress that makes her look like a sunflower. Next to her, is perhaps her brother who holds the same curiosity in his green eyes that reflect Elijah's mischievous nature.

Elijah shoves my hands away with a growl, and he too holds the same expression as Kai's, but his eyes seems to also be burning with resentment, and he rubs his face roughly like he's trying to hide from me.

He doesn't seem to be happy with the fact that I know about his situation.

"Why did he hit you?"

Elijah releases a sigh, and then brings his hands down from his face to reveal a shield he had created for himself as his face is now blank, his eyes lift to me with an empty gaze and this makes me feel scared. Gone is the playful glint and the arrogant ease that he always seems to possess, he now looks broken and tired, his eyes, a dull green.

"Why does it matter?" He spits, as he brushes past me to sit next to Kai. Kai doesn't say anything and continues to treat Elijah's injuries with gentle hands but his eyes are like beads as he accesses his red and bleeding wounds.

I also slump onto the other couch, and watch silently as Kai fixes Elijah up and the twins begin to surround me.

"I'm Amelia!" The girl beams at me. I only nod awkwardly as the other boy also introduces himself flamboyantly. "And I'm Jacob!"

They climb onto the couch to also sit next to me, but I begin to feel slight panic as they begin to jump up and down on the couch, making me bounce in my seat. I feel hopeless as I'm unable to control the situation and remember back to when Claudia also began to jump on the bed last night too.

What is with kids and making everything they see their personal trampoline?

"Quit it guys!" Elijah complains, just as Kai had finished putting a small band-aid on his cut. "Go play in the room!"

Amelia is the first to stop, but she looks to me with wide and pleading eyes. "Play with us! We've never seen a girl here before!"

I shake my head frantically. "Ma-Maybe later!"

Suddenly, Jacob releases a huge growl, imitating what I assume is a lion and lunges at me and begins to throw tiny punches on my shoulders. "Play with us!" He demands.

I can see out of the corner of my eyes, Elijah bringing a hand to his forehead in frustration and releasing a sigh. Kai only looks on blankly, unsure of what to do with the creases on his forehead giving away his distress. I'm not used to seeing Kai so anxious as he's usually the calm one, the mediator, the one to bring tranquil in heated situations. Right now, he looks completely out of it.

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