10 | goodbye

14 2 0

"Don't say that you'll leave me here,

Don't leave me in this memory

Don't look at my eyes that cannot hold on to you

Just don't go" -2NE1


My hands roam around the rough and brisk material of the couch. I immediately know that this isn't my home. I blink my eyes a couple of times before adjusting them to the stream of sunlight pouring through the wide cracks of the curtains.

I slowly sit up with a hand to my forehead to find a damp cloth, and it drops to my lap.

"How are you feeling?"

I turn to the door next to the chunky TV. Jace stands, with a clean white jumper that has red print on it. He looks like had just woken, with his disheveled ash blonde hair falling in all the right places, and a sheepish smile on his face.

"I don't think I'm dying," I croak out.

He chuckles, and the magical sound makes my heart flutter, causing me to smile along with him. "I'm glad..." He says, with a smirk.

"I-I don't know if the others told you yet-"

He takes a step before swiftly cutting me off. "I know," He says softly.

I nod. "Where were you yesterday?" His eyes dim down to a copper colour but is still vibrant in its own way. He scratches the nape of his neck and I stand up.

"You don't have to tell me," I say, sensing his discomfort.

His eyebrow raises slightly and he doesn't reply but leads me to the kitchen instead. I follow quietly, with my damp clothes still annoyingly clinging onto my skin like leeches.

He leans behind the counter and gestures to the small plate of omelette and bacon in front-which I have to admit now, that it's barely enough. I mean who do they think I am?

But I'm grateful nonetheless, that they even got food for me at all.

"Kai saved you some before he headed out with Eli." Jace nods to the plate with a small smile. "Dig in."

I muster a nervous chuckle, not realising how hungry I was until now as my stomach growls monstrously. I can see Jace's eyes light up in amusement as he presses his lips to suppress a string of laughter.

"That-that wasn't me," I mutter.

I climb onto the stool, and basically just shove the food down my throat. I moan in delight, as I engulf the whole thing in one go. My eyes fleet up to where Jace has a huge grin on his face.

"How can a small girl like you eat so much?"

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment, and I shrug.

"Because she's barely a girl."

My head turns to Grayson who had just waltzed in and straight to the fridge. He takes out an orange juice bottle and pours it into a tall glass on the counter in front of me, beside Jace. He has bags under his eyes, and his dark hair is also dishevelled. His dark gray shirt is thin that outlines his abs and pecks, making me shake my head slightly in disappointment.

All them good looks for nothing...

"She has no fear. Sleeping under the same roof as four other guys, she's got more guts than you J." Grayson addresses to Jace, and I don't miss the sarcasm in his voice.

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