The only problem was...The blonde had no interest in controlling the beast that had killed his parents.

"What do you mean, Naruto?" Jiraiya questioned, his tone serious as he thought back to his previous student. The painful memories bubbling up at Naruto's decision to try and befriend the beast instead. To say he didn't like it was an understatement.

"Exactly what I said. I want to work with the Kyuubi" Naruto stated, his arms crossed as he patiently waited for the toad sage to grasp his idea.

"There is no working with a monster" Jiraiya muttered, his expression dark, as images of Minato and Kushina played in his mind.

Naruto sighed "I understand your feelings on this but it's my decision. The Kyuubi holds too much hate, Pervy-sage. There has to be reasonable explanation to it all.".

Jiraiya stared down at the blonde for a long moment in thought. Naruto began to feel unsettled as the Sannin's gaze never left him and was about to speak. The blonde didn't know what to say but he felt as though he should say something.


"Very well" Jiraiya cut the blonde off.

Naruto paused in shock.

"But you will only ever try to contact the Kyuubi with me around so I can control any outbreaks" Jiraiya quickly clarified.

Naruto understood his concern and nodded before walking over to a large boulder and sitting crossed-legged on it. Jiraiya began to set up seals around the area to keep others out and the chakra signature of the Kyuubi, and themselves, within his barrier.

As soon as the Sannin completed his set-up and glanced at the blonde, Naruto closed his eyes and concentred on connecting to the sewage place he'd seen once before.

Opening his eyes, the blonde found himself ankle-deep in water with large gates in front of him. He couldn't see the Kyuubi within the darkness but could strongly feel his presence. He knew the beast was watching him.

Naruto tried to swallow what little saliva he had but found his mouth dry from fear and nervousness. He'd only ever spoken with the Kyuubi once and they argued. He hoped this time would be more pleasant.

A low menacing growl sounded throughout the vast space of Naruto's mind. The Kyuubi didn't seem to want to talk.

Naruto gulped 'Looks like it won't be easy but I won't give up now.'

The familiar feeling of determination coursed through the chuunin's veins. Whether it was protecting his family or facing the nine-tailed beast, he wouldn't give up.

Naruto suddenly remembered a memory that seemed distant to him now but was, in reality, only a few months ago when Kakashi had revealed his deep desire for peace.

"Naruto. What do you feel when an enemy attacks your comrades?" Kakashi questioned. The two were sitting idly under the shade of a large tree. Sasuke and Sakura had gone to get everyone food. Or rather, Sasuke was tasked with it as it was his turn but Sakura followed because the Uchiha couldn't get her strange order right.

Naruto, smoking his pipe as he leaned against his sensei's shoulder, looked up at the sky in thought "It makes me angry and I lose sense to reason" The boy spoke truthfully.

Kakashi glanced at him "I see." The Jounin had secretly hoped for a more peaceful answer but was glad his student chose to be honest about his views.

"What about you, sensei?" Naruto questioned back as he took a puff from his pipe.

This time, Kakashi was the one to look up in thought "I get angry as well but...I can't help but think about the enemy. Why do they attack? If for a mission, then I wonder about the leadership of their village. Many would die because of the disagreement of two leaders. It's created a cycle of hatred and mistrust. If not for a mission, something must've happened in their past to create so much hate in themselves".

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