27 - (not) To Be

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Her eyes burst with excitement as she nods fast; Jasper laughs and watches as Charlotte sits on the swing with Esther on her lap, singing softly to her. His heart swells when he thinks of all the powerful, female influences his daughters have, the inspirations they can look up to. Both Nala and he were worried how bringing a human child into their situation would affect them, but they are going to be smart, strong and confident, he realises. He knows that everyone here would do anything to ensure their safety, except maybe the three bigoted brothers sat observing them. 

"So when exactly will this begin?" Caius mutters, boredom evident by the eye roll he gives.

Jasper smiles sweetly. "I already said, when everyone gets here. Some of our kind prefer to drive than run the whole distance, so they will arrive whenever they arrive."

"What's the point of having these abilities if you don't use them?" He scoffs.

Emmett smirks as he comes over, cwtching Lilo automatically as she jumps at him. "I'd bet you 10 grand you wouldn't last 5 minutes living like we do."

"Oh I'd last. I raise you 20. I'll do it." Caius snaps.

"OK. A week - that's all you gotta do. Diet, movements, attitude. Live like us. You do it and you win." He shrugs, holding his hand out.

Lilo giggles. "No one bets against Emmy." She says, an 'oooo' tone to her voice.

Everyone laughs as Caius and Emmett shake on their little bet. "Alright then." Nala says as she comes out. "Time to go Li."

Lilo groans and hugs Emmett before he sets her down and she runs to her dad, who kneels and hugs her close. "Do we gotta go, daddy?" She whines.

"Yes you do. I need you, momma and Effie to go on an adventure for me, okay? You're gonna go eat ice cream all day and laze in the pool. You're gonna be having more fun than me." He smiles as he tucks her hair back. "I want pictures every day and I want to see you swimming without those arm bands - deal?"

Lilo nods and hugs him tightly once more before she runs to Esme; her, her mom, her sister and mawmae Esme are going on vacation. She wonders why, why they aren't going on one with daddy like planned or why these strangers keep coming. She's kinda sad to leave Benjamin but her dad promised he can visit all the time.

"You be safe." Nala says quietly as she hugs Jasper. He kisses her head as she squeezes him, ignoring everyone around them and imagining its just her and her husband. "I need you in one piece, so do the girls."

"You doubt my awesomeness?" He laughs gently and kisses her. "I promise. I love you, angel." He says stroking her cheek.

She sighs heavily and nods, taking one last look at him, kissing him hard one last time, before she goes to Esme. Esme squeezes her hand and they're both silent as they get in the car, driving to the airport in even more silence. Their men, their family, their friends - they're all going off to a war that no one could have anticipated. No one knows if its going to go bad or if they'll even fight. No one knows. Not even Alice.

Jasper takes a deep breath and looks at everyone. "Let's go."


"Woah!" Lilo screams as she sees the pool from the balcony window. She was asleep when they got here late last night.

Esme laughs gently. "It's huge huh? You gonna try the slides?"

She nods fast, her face pushed against the window. Nala smiles as she smoothes Effie in sunscreen. "So um am I going out alone or..?"

Esme shakes her head and smiles, holding up a big sunhat, some sunglasses and a light long sleeved pool cover up. "I also booked us a cabana by the doors."

"Thank god. I don't think I can handle both kids." She admits with a nervous laugh. "Have you... Have you heard from them?"

"I got a message from Carlisle before we took off but no... They're okay. They probably haven't even left yet."

Nala sighs and nods small, grabbing the changing bag as Esme wrangles Lilo into her swim suit. They head out to the pool, Nally nervous of Esme being exposed; she isn't, of course, with every inch covered enough to not give away her secret, and to not be too suspicious looking. It's hot - very hot - and if Esme dressed up too much then it would be over already.

"Can I have ice cream?" Lilo says as she stands on the edge of the cabana and eyes the stand a few feet away.

"It's not even lunch time." Nala shakes her head.

"Daddy said I can eat ice cream all day..."

"Daddy isn't here." Nala huffs. "Fine but if you get a tummy ache I won't be impressed."

Lilo is already gone before her mom has finished talking, ordering a double cone. Esme laughs as she sets Effie on a blanket, ensuring she's under the fan. "Just let it go, okay? You're under enough stress." She says softly to Nally.

"Why does stuff like this always happen to you guys? I swear, this family is a danger magnet." She says quietly.

"Oh yeah, we are. But we survive whatever is thrown our way. With the volturi on our side, it's easy."

"Then why send us away?"

Esme laughs. "Coz Jasper is more reactive than Edward. The slightest sign of danger and his senses go wild. He needs to know you're safe."

Nala sighs; she can't fualt her husband there.


Nala laughs as she watches Esme and Lilo dance during the kids disco, this being their 5th evening here. She sips her cocktail and checks the pram, Effie fast asleep still of course - that child could sleep through anything.

She's just about to video the duo when her phone rings. She looks at Esme who's already coming over, nodding for her to go answer. Nally runs outside, by the empty, dark pool, and answers quickly.

"Jasper!?" She gasps.

"Hello Nala..." It's Aro.

Her stomach drops. "No... Where... Jasper..." She gasps, holding her chest.

"I think you need to come home." Aro says simply, before all Nala can do is fall to the ground, her heart in a million pieces.

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