Chapter 2

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It's the next morning and I don't really remember much of yesterday. The most I remember is us going to lunch and going mini golfing after. Ashely kicked my ass in mini golf. I look over and see Brad isn't there, so I assume he went to work.

I got up and put on a white t shirt and shorts. I wasn't doing anything today so I didn't really feel like actually getting dressed. I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and realize I got a text from Brad.
B-hey babe, I had a work thing. I'll probably be back around 8 or something. I'm sorry I love you.
M-it's okay baby, I love you too.
And that was the end of that I guess. I walked down stairs and got out coco puffs. I may be 24 but coco puffs are amazing. I pour my cereal but I'm stopped by a knock at the door. I walk over and open the door and see a package laying on the ground. It says it's for Brad so I don't open it. I go back to eating my breakfast and scrolling thru Instagram on my phone. I then get a text from a random number.

Unknown- Hey! It was really good meeting you yesterday.
M-I'm sorry, who is this?
Unknown-It's Ashley lol. You gave me your number but I never gave you mine.
M-oooh haha, well in that case, it was really good meeting you too!
A-I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for lunch?
M- Sure. I got nothing better to do. Where and what time?
A-There's this place on Main called Roops. Would you wanna meet there?
M-I love that place!
A-Me too haha. Does 12 work for you?
A-great, I'll see you then.

I finish my food and go upstairs to watch TV for a little because it was only 9:30, I have some time to spare. I started watching The Office. Ive watched it so many times, I'm started to learn the words. I watched that for about an hour and then hopped in the shower. I'll skip the details because quite frankly, it's boring.

About 15-20 mins later I get out of the shower, walk over to my mirror and start drying my hair. I decided not to do anything to my hair because I don't have enough time to do anything with it. I check my phone to make sure I'm not running late. It's 11:23 so I super quickly put on some foundation and mascara, went downstairs, grabbed my keys and got into the car.
"Hey Siri, text Bradley."
"What do you want to say?"
"I'm going out to lunch with your sister and i don't know when I'll be back,love you"
"Your message says I'm going out the lunch with your sister and I don't know when I'll be back, love you. Would you like to send?"
"Okay, you're message is sent."
I don't like texting and driving at all. It makes me incredibly anxious so I set up "Hey Siri" just for that reason. After about 15 minutes of driving, I'm at roops and I'm a little bit early so I go inside, find a table and order a coffee. About 5 mins later, Ashley walks in. She's wearing a loose, black t shirt with ripped blue jeans. She has a really nice sense of style. I wave over to her, she walks over and sits down. She orders a grilled cheese with tomato soup and I order Mac and cheese. I know, I know. I sound like a child, having coco puffs in the morning and Mac and cheese for lunch but it's good.
"So how long have you and Brad been together?"
"4 years in June"
"Holy shit, really? Wasn't expecting that."
"Yea,we were actually engaged a couple months ago but he said he wasn't ready for marriage so we are just dating."
"He's indecisive."
We continue to talk about Brad and why she's been gone for so long.

"Well actually, I Cali with my ex girlfriend. That's half the reason I'm home. But I'm a photographer so I travel a lot."
"Ex girlfriend? I'm sorry. Are you bi or?"
"Nope, lesbian. Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable"
"Of course not. I'm actually bi myself"
"I could tell" she says with a smirk on her face
"Gay senses" we both start cracking up and realize people are staring at us and it makes us laugh even harder. Once we finish our food we decided to go to the mall. Ashley is really interesting. She showed me some of the pictures she took and she's actually really good at what she does. On the car ride to the mall, she told me that Jen, their mom, was at the mall as well so we were going to meet her there. Jen said to meet her in the food court, so that's the first place we went. We couldn't find her so we just assumed she went to the bathroom.  Although,we did see someone else. Brad..kissing another girl.

Brads a dumbass
And this chapter was longer so yay to me


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