The Fuzz I: Hospital

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"Okay, Sunset," Autumn said as they were getting seated in the waiting area, "I have a feeling that, for the po-po to stay off of our asses, we're gonna need to know Rusinglish," she opened a file labelled РУСИНГЛИШ.xlsx and gave the phone to Sunset, "Меmorize this. Rusinglish is just English, but written in Russian. The cops will never know what hit 'em if we have to send something off."

She took the phone and skimmed the list, which looked very familiar to something she used to learn the Crystal Alphabet back in Equestria, only having a few different letters, "Oh, I should be able to go with this," she said, "This must be what I was thinking about when I was trying to make sense of the people in Russia."

"Good. Good for us. What are you gonna tell the Rainbooms?"

"If I tell them, I might as well just get the police and princesses in the same room and dictate my life's story," she came to an awkward realization, "Sweet Celestia, I feel like I'm talking Russian."

"You're still you."

Twilight came out of the room a minute later, but was accompanied by a cop.

"Let... me... go...!!!"

"Fat chance of that, Miss 'I'm a princess'. If you don't cooperate, you'll be sitting in jail for a long time."

"Twi," Sunset said, "Hold on," she turned to the cop, "Could I just take my sister home?"

The cop thought for a minute, "I guess, you can have her back because she wasn't doing anything outside of chanting something which, thankfully, wasn't doing anything."

"Thank you."

As the officer left, Sunset took Autumn's keys so she could take Twilight back to the portal.

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"Getting you home," she said, the Civic not starting immediately.


"One, I need you to study chaos magic. Two, you almost went to jail. Three, I need you to close the portal. I'll overnight my journal to Minsk-"

"Minsk!? Isn't that one of the places you said was on the other side of the world?"

Sunset got the car moving.

"Yeah. I just text, using Cyrillic, what I want to write to you to Seth and Sofia, and one of them writes it. Hopefully legibly, neither of them have good handwriting, or whatever it is around here."

"What's the chance something would get lost in translation?"

"Not very likely."

As she sped to the school, she couldn't help but feel that she was being followed, so she ditched the car a block and a half away from CHS, keeping their mouths shut the rest of the way to the portal.

"Twilight, go home, keep Mom there, close the portal and keep it closed until I say so. If she asks, it's to keep law enforcement idiots out of Equestria."

"Got it," she said, going through the portal as the same cop ran up to Sunset from earlier.

"Ma'am, did I just see you do something to this statue?"

"What? Me? No! I just had to come back to get a journal, that's all. You probably just saw a reflection."

"I'm gonna have to take you in."

Seeing as how some of the windows were open and class was in session, she let out an ear-piercing scream, followed by the officer holding her down, all while several of the students and faculty ran out.

"What are you doing to my student!?" Principal Celestia said, running over to him.

"Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to back away. This girl planted something on the statue."

"Have you tried LOOKING yet?" Celestia replied.

The officer gave the statue a decent once-over, but found nothing, so he turned back to Sunset, "Get back where you belong, or I will have your ass in jail for truancy!"

She tried to remain strong.

"Come, Sunset," Celestia said, allowing the shaken girl to rest in her office as long as she needed.

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