STOP 1: DDR International Airport (or GDR... or East Germany. Whichever)

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At around 10:30p in Berlin, the plane touched down at the airport, then they got off.

"How exactly does the air travel system work in East Germany again, Alex?"

"You may be staying with uns for the nacht," he said, going to an information kiosk.

After doing the math, it was obvious that, while it was technically only thirty minutes later by their clocks, their bodies were screaming it was a little after midnight.

"I'm pretty sure Fernsehen der DDR's closed for the night," Seth said as everyone got their bags.

Sofia, Liz, Sunset, Seth, and Autumn sat down on a bench, all half asleep and carrying the bags they had with them on the plane.

"We're in Berlin," Autumn said.

"East or West?" Sunset asked, "'m too tired to remember."

"What's it matter? All of Central Europe is two hours behind Moscow."

"The chuffin' world is smaller than ya fin' in sum places."

A few minutes later, Mitzi and Arnold came over to them, carrying five cups of coffee.

"Es ist Mocha Fix Gold," she said as they handed out the coffee.

"Sunset, you may wake up reverse-hungover in the morning. This is stronger than any energy drink we have in Good ol' America," Autumn said as everyone took their drinks and started them.

"Probably most powerful stuff in the world at 75 cc per 12 fluid ounces."

"That'd kill a pony if they drank this much," Sunset said, noticing the size of the cup being around the size of a large coffee at McDonald's.

"It'd kill most people if they drank it like I do," Seth said, he and Sofia finishing their coffee at the same time before the others, "I'm the reason we have to get coffee makers like we do. They all break because of me."

"We will mehr than likely ende up sleeping hier tonight," Alex said as he came back, "Zwölf zu London won't board until 06:30."

They all went over to a waiting area where they promptly fell asleep.

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