While Aunt Natasha was Chewing Out the Rainbooms...

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Aunt Natasha was on the other side of the fiberglass body from Twilight and Sunset, screaming loudly at the Rainbooms for what they had done.

"That girl is child!!! If she truly was your family, you'd have worked past this!! If I find you doing this to her or ANY OF MY FAMILY again, Jesus can come here and he won't help you! If you've lost your minds, I will help you find it!!!...

"What is going on out there?" Twilight asked as Sunset held a Pepsi to her face.

"Aunt Natasha doing what their parents should've done, and what she would've done to me after the Fall Formal."

"Is it going to get past the screaming?"

"No. It's just her way of teaching lessons," Sunset turned to Twilight, "Now, what did you want to talk about."

"When you said... that... earlier, did you mean it like that?"

"After my first or second night in Russia, what I said would've been an understatement. Now, it's just boring," she counted off on her fingers, "Mundane, repetitave, annoying, you get the drift."

"Sunset, I know I haven't heard all of, or a lot of, what's been going on over here, but I don't quite think that's how to cope with these things."

"Aunt Natasha doing that to someone for this long is bound to give them nightmares, at least me."

"Does she usually..."

"I don't think so."

"...now, five of you, GO AWAY!!!!!"

The Rainbooms scattered, then she opened the door and sat on the mattress.

"That was harsh," Twilight said.

"Princess, sorry you had to see that. They were reason Sunset almost didn't have Christmas and Novvy God. I would do that to anyone who would hurt our friends and family. I hope you can forgive me, but they needed to be told down."

"I see... is that how you do things in Russia?"

"People normally behave around me."

"Well, I've been talking to Sunset about... earlier... and..." Twilight couldn't finish that sentence.

"That is why we wanted to come to America. No one should have to deal with what Sunset had to."

There was silence for a minute.

"Twilight, I know you're busy back in Equestria, but maybe you'd like to spend a little while at the house?"

"Could I save the surprise for the summer?"


Twilight went back to Equestria, then Sunset and Aunt Natasha drove back to the house.

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