1. The First Day of a Nightmare

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Dear diary, today wasn't a very good start to a first day of school:

Anna knocked on my bedroom door, and yelled, "Wake up Elsa! Fist day of school!"
I buried my head under my pillow.
"Okay, I guess you won't know why Olaf is going to school with us!" She sang.
I leaped out of bed.
"What?" I asked, walking out of the room.
"Olaf's gonna be our teacher!" Anna squealed.
"For what?"
Control is a class where you can control your powers. I sure wished I went to this school for a period of time.

The royal carriage brought us to the High school.
"Ooh! Elsa look!" Said Anna eagerly pointing to the gargoyles, and the gothic details.
"Mm, hmm. . ." Was all I said. My eyes were glued to a handsome boy with white hair, pail skin, a blue hoodie.
He looked at me and I quickly looked away, blushing.
". . . Oh, and that!" Anna grabbed the side of the carriage as if she were about to jump out at any moment. I tried to make conversation with Anna to forget the boy, but I couldn't, he was a vivid picture in my mind that would not disappear.
As we pulled up to the front of the castle/school, Anna didn't at all wait to get out. She flew out of the doors, and I ran after her. . . .

"I am Mrs. Rays, your animals teacher." Said a red haired, young lady.
"Her hair is redder than my grandmothers lip stick." Snickered a girl to her friend.
I ignored the nasty comment.
I had trouble concentrating because the handsome, white haired boy walked into the class and sat next to me.
I tensed.
"Could you hand me that text book?" He asked. I slammed the book on his fingers because I was so nervous. "Ouch."
"Sorry!" I half whispered.
A few minutes later, the boy twirled his fingers and frost floated around that space. I gasped and fell out of my chair. Nobody laughed, which I was thankful for. Nobody else had that power but me!
The boy held out his hand, and I took it. He lifted me up and said, "Wow, are you okay? What's wrong?"
"Your the, wait, how did you--- what the---" I gasped.
"Geez, take a breathe!" He said.
I did, and class finally ended.

I walked away as far as possible from that classroom.

After two more classes, I was in the hall again. And I saw a white head bobbing up and down in the crowd.
The boy! I tried to run, but he said, "Wait up!"
I turned. "My name is Jack, by the way."
"I'm Queen Elsa."
"Queen?! Aren't you a little young---"
"My parents passed away."
He rubbed his neck. "Sorry I ---"
"It's okay! I can deal with it."
"Uhh. . . What was wrong in animals class?"
Instead of talking, I shot my hand out to the roof, and icicles formed slowly, like crystallized spears dangling from the ceiling.
"I know---"
"I didn't know there was another one like me!" We said in unison. I giggled and he chuckled.
"Uhh, do you want to do something tomorrow?" He turned bright red.
"Like, a date?!" I smiled.
"Yeah! I mean, if you want to. . ."
"Totally! How about my castle, then we can go, I don't know, use our powers?" I suggested.
"Sure!" And after that awkward moment, we went into a deep conversation about a snowman teaching control class.

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