Odd One Out Chapter 4

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 I never got around to saying it, but thanks so much for the 1k reads I've gotten! It makes me happy people are reading my story :) even though the 1k isn't on one chapter, it's through out the chapters but it still makes me happy!

The days ­­were slow, for the most part, and not much happened expect for the casual wave to Nathan when we both actually saw him. Otherwise twereally didn’t get much contact from him unless we came home from exploring the town and taking all kinds of pictures, though we didn’t go shopping for anymore TW items, as we were a tiny bit scared he would notice that so we just shopped normally.

Evelyn and Aki lazed about in the living room to just have a lazy day with both of them on their laptops and the TV on, when a knock to the door was heard. I let out a hrm and placed my laptop down though not before taking it to my desktop screen of a butterfly, because I don’t want someone looking at my laptop, and opened the door to find Nathan Sykes standing there with a sheepish smile.

“Is there something you need Nathan?” I raised a brow at him while fighting a smile that threatened to appear on my lips.

“Ummm…do you have any sugar? I’ve kind of ran out.” He grinned at Aki and I resisted the urge to roll her eyes and snort, shaking head and turning around to head to the kitchen.

“Sure do. I’ll give you about 6 sugars that you can use until you go shopping I guess? Then again knowing you…”I trailed off and bit lip to stop from laughing, heading back over to him and placing the sugar in his open hand.

“Thanks babe.” He said with a gentle smile and turned around to head back to his own apartment, closing the door behind him.

He had called me babe which made Aki’s eyes widen in surprise, I wasn’t used to being called babe because I wasn’t all that attractive to guys in general and was often in the background of everything going on. Aki rubbed at her forehead and closed the door, moving to flop onto the couch and open my laptop.

AkiyamaBear: Boring day today, just sitting around the apartment!

I lazily looked down my timeline and let out a soft laugh when seeing tweets from Nathan on my timeline; well also the fact people were spamming him for follows.

NathanTheWanted: Next-door neighbor gave some sugar. Tea!

I laughed and let the smile curve onto lips as I was in a way indirected on this tweet because he didn’t know I had a twitter, which was good in a sense didn’t want fan girls spamming me or Evelyn with requests. I let out a sigh and turned off my laptop, staring blankly at the black screen as if pondering what to do for the day. Well it was a nice day, may as well go out and get a tan.

I changed into a simple bikini top but settled for a pair of shorts that stopped right at my knees, and I went to get a chair to lie on.

Since Aki is similar to a cat, I of course fell asleep outside with the sun shining and I'm just glad I tans more then I burn or I would of be close to looking like a lobster.  I slept for about two hours before waking up on my own and stretching with a slight wince, placing my glasses on and heading back up the stairs to take the chair back inside when a voice stopped me.

“Hey! It’s Akiyama right?” It was Nathan who called out and Aki turned around to look at him with a slight raised brow wondering what he wanted. If I was being honest with myself, I didn’t want to fall in love with him due to me only being here for a few weeks and I rather not go through the heartbreak that would come with leaving.

“Yes I’m Akiyama, you need something?” I placed the chair down as Nathan came out of the apartment and smiled, which almost made me melt, as he looked me over for a moment then looked back at my eyes hidden behind glasses while I smiled at him.

“I just wanted to say thank you for the sugar you gave me.  I was wondering if you have some more? I haven’t gone grocery shopping yet.” He laughed and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

I resisted the urge to start laughing at his expression and settled for biting lip instead, “Sureeee do! I’ll get it in a sec!” I grabbed my chair and quickly headed into the apartment, heading to the kitchen to get several bags of sugar and went outside, dropping it in his open hand and giving a soft smile. “Here you go! Make sure you go grocery shopping soon, or else I might run out of sugar myself!”

He just laughed and I swear I was more than likely blushing, ducking head so he couldn’t see my face.  With a quick nod towards him, I disappeared back into the apartment with a sigh of relief.  I decided to wake Evelyn up as it was almost 1pm and I wanted to go places, because I had went back to sleep after I went outside.

“Evelynnnnn time to wake up! We’re going out again!” I grinned at her as she groaned and I ran out of the bedroom, putting flip-flops on and waiting at the door for her to come. I  was always the one who liked to explore and go out, as often as a child I stayed in the house way to often and was trying to repair that by going out often.

Evelyn came from behind and making sure we had the keys in their pockets, we decided to head off for the day. They didn’t have forever being here and wanted to make the most of it. We were both wearing their bracelets without a care in the world of who saw, we were expressing themselves and were going to enjoy it.


Aki and Evelyn walked around town, again, and decided to take a stop at a restaurant for a meal. I ordered a hamburger and Evelyn ordered a hotdog. They chatted for a few moments before I spotted someone out of the corner of her eye, her eyes widening in disbelief.

There sat Jay McGuiness from The Wanted. What was their luck? I made a sign with my hand to Evelyn to show him to her and smiling lightly as her cheeks turned pink in surprise, which was definitely worth seeing in ny book. A smile formed on lips and I nudged Evelyn with my foot.

“You like him don’t you?” Aki said with a sneaky grin, letting out a laugh at her expression as her cheeks turned a light pink.

“No! And I’m not about to go over there and tell him. I might just seem like a crazy fan.” Evelyn mumbled and she called the waitress over to the table, as she paid for the meal and they decided to quickly leave the restaurant. It was enough that Nathan was living right next to us, but seeing Jay here? That was a bit surprising.

I licked my lips nervously as we stood outside of the restaurant, pondering what to do for the day. I looked at Evelyn with a sigh, “Guess we could go out later tonight to some bars? We are legal.” I smiled at her, as we headed back to the apartment.

“Sure I guess, might meet some guys you know? We’ve been single for a while so I think we should mingle a bit.” I laughed when using the word ‘mingle’ and we headed down the street, simply watching the clouds and mindless talking to each other. Suddenly Aki bumped into someone and let out a noise of pain, somehow managing not to fall on her butt. I looked up and blinked, there was another surprise.

There stood Tom Parker with his hand held out, “Sorry about that.”

Aki’s mouth opened and closed for a moment, taking the hand as I was pulled up and I brushed at some dirt on my outfit.

“It is fine, we weren’t exactly paying attention ourselves or well I wasn’t really.” A nervous laugh came up from my throat, as I gave a small wave in greeting, “I think we’ll be off, have a good day!” I grabbed Evelyn by the arm and walked calmly away.

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