Chapter 18

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Chapter 14: Faces from the Past

"Shinigami," Minato bellowed as he held his son in one arm, and glared at the Kyuubi charging towards him.

"Who dare calls me?" A towering black shadowed figure stood before Minato.

"Please seal the Kyuubi within the boy!" Minato indicated the small child.

"That is an impressive seal," the Shinigami turned to Minato. "But there is a price, your life."

"I understand and accept," Minato nodded, bracing for the worst.

"Then so be it, Minato Namikaze, you will spend an eternity in my stomach. Kyuubi no Kitsune, you shall be sealed within the boy."

"Kill Orochimaru and avenge me!" Kyuubi shrieked as she continued her charge straight for Naruto.

"I am sorry, Naruto." Minato kissed his son on the forehead before the Shinigami reached into him, stealing his soul.

The Shinigami stared at nothing as it resided in its realm. Flickers of the lives of others passed before the Shinigami, who watched them as if they were a television show.

It is impossible to comprehend a being such as the Shinigami, an ancient being of limitless power. It is said that the emotions of man are a pale comparison to the emotions of such a being. But one thing is for sure, if rage was a power source, you could have used the Shinigami to power an entire galaxy.

"A deal was made," The Shinigami stated. "A life for the seal, that deal has been broken."

The Shinigami knew perfectly well what had happened. It could sense the distortions in reality as the soul of Minato Uzumaki was torn from it and returned to the land of the living and was wondering what to do. It could swoop in and reclaim Minato's soul, and also the souls of the other Hokage and Orochimaru, or it could simply destroy the seal and release the Kyuubi.

"I am nothing, if not a fair god. After all I show no favour to the poor or the rich." The Shinigami nodded. "The contract has been broken."

"Who the fuck are you supposed to be?" Hitotsume narrowed his one eye.

"It is custom to give ones own name first," The other replied coldly.

"Fine, I am Hitotsume, elite Jounin from Oto!"

"Itachi Uchiha," Itachi looked at Hitotsume through his one visible eye, "Jounin of Konoha, Member of the Hokage's Elite Squad." Itachi wore the same outfit he had worn all those years ago before leaving Konoha, complete with a new head protector. The only change was the eye patch he wore over one eye.

"Itachi," Sasuke repeated, still unable to move.

"Hah? You are only a Jounin?" Hitotsume straightened up, "I am an elite Jounin!"

"Is that so?" Hitotsume did the most foolish thing possible, and stared straight into Itachi's Sharingan.

To the two Uchiha, little seemed to happen, although Hitotsume gave out a horrified shriek and decapitated himself.

"What the..." Sasuke grunted as Itachi picked him up. "You work for Konoha now?"

"Apparently," Itachi replied.

"Why?" Sasuke asked.

"Because Danzo is my enemy, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend," Itachi replied coldly.


"He gave the order to kill our clan," Itachi drawled. "He was the one who got the council to override the Hokage's peaceful negotiation. Then he had the nerve to try and get me killed."

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