Chapter 17

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Chapter 13 d: The Final Exam Begins

The stadium was packed as everyone got ready to watch. There were many political figures sat in the stands, all eagerly awaiting the battles of the Uchiha prodigy and the Yondaime's Legacy.

Everyone had heard about the long lost son of The Yondaime Hokage being found and they were all eager to watch him fight, even if it was just to work out how to kill him later on before he became as big a threat as his father.

Naruto himself was stood in the Hokage box, listening to Jiraiya.

"So remember, keep your eyes open," Jiraiya nodded. "I want you to promise that you will focus on defending Konoha rather than winning this tournament."

"That depends," Naruto tilted his head, "Do I have to defend the council as well?"

"..." Jiraiya didn't reply but transmitted the thought 'I could care less what happens to them.'

Naruto grinned at the stare; he knew perfectly well what it meant. "Fine, I'll keep my eyes open alright?"

"Yeah," Jiraiya nodded.

"You alright Jiraiya?" Naruto looked concerned, "You've been acting weird all day."

"I'm just worried," Jiraiya sighed. "I have a bad feeling."

"No worries," Naruto chuckled. "So long as I still stand we don't have to worry about anything!"

Jiraiya simply shook his head and sat down in the Hokage chair.

Naruto nodded and left the Hokage Box, bumping into Tsunade on his way out, "Oops, sorry Tsunade."

"Huh?" Tsunade frowned as Naruto winked at her, 'does he know?'

"An eye that automatically ignores any Genjutsu is a gift, don't you think." Naruto chuckled enigmatically as he left the two Sannin.

'He knows,' Tsunade sighed. 'Hope he didn't blow our cover.'

"Hinata-sama," Neji nodded at his cousin as the Genin assembled in the pre-match area.

"Neji," Hinata nodded at him with a brief smile then returned to scowling.

"You appear agitated," Neji was trying his hardest to fulfil his duty as a branch member; while at the same time trying not to provoke another assault (the training was still prominent in his mind).

"I just wish they would hurry up and let us start." Hinata cracked her knuckles. 'How can I show Naruto how good I am if they won't let us get started!'

"Genin," A voice that sounded all too familiar to Sasuke called. "I am afraid your examination has been cancelled.

"Sasuke..." Kiba hissed. "That voice..."

"I know," Sasuke turned to face the newcomer.

'She' was wearing typical Jounin attire.

"What's the point in disguising yourself if you aren't going to change your voice, Orochimaru?"

"Orochimaru," Neji frowned. "He is the traitor Sannin?"

"Correct," Orochimaru pulled off the mask.

"Why bother with the disguise at all? I guess you were just satisfying your cross-dressing urges for the day." Sasuke grinned and took up a fighting pose. "Let me show you the fruits of my training!"

"Let's not," Orochimaru clapped his hands, causing Sasuke's cursed seal to attack Sasuke's Nervous system and knock him unconscious.

"Sasuke-kun," Ino and Sakura raced to their fallen crush.

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