First Time Meeting (Human & Lemon)

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck do you think your doing" Kami he didnt mean to come off angry but you intruded on his training.

"I'm sorry." Looking down shyly as you swallowed to get some type of moisture in your suddenly dry mouth. Then looking back up into his onyx eyes. "I just wanted to say hello." You smiled at him.

Vegeta just examined the way you stood, the soft features on your face. "Well you did. Now leave." He said plainly, wanting to get back to training.

You tried to keep your temper in check. So you took a deep breath, slowly letting it out. "I was wondering if you wanted to join the party." Looking back at the pool that people were jumping into as someone cooked more food.

Then returning your eyes to his that seemed to never leave your body. "No. Why would I want too. It's a waste of time."

"For fun maybe. I know how you probably just train as if there's no tomorrow, but I would enjoy it if I got to know you better." Trying to give a small encouraging smile. You could see the way his eyes were softer by just looking at you. So you could only hope this will work.

"No." Then he shut the door in your face going back to working out. You growled a bit and clenched you teeth. This bitch just shut the door on you! How dare he.

Then you smirked.  A wonderful idea popped into your head. You waited until the gravity chamber started again and then hit the stop button again. This repeated about 3 times until he slammed the door open glaring at you. Before he could speak you did.

You smiled at him. "Looks like you changed you mind!" Grabbing his strong, callous hand, making him follow you. Just from the contact you could feel the warmth of him and a small spark was sent through your body.

"What the fu-" his anger getting the best of him.

"Oh I know." Cutting him off as you pull him to the house. "You have to shower and change. Don't worry I'll get your bathing suit." You say as he just allows you to pull him.

Once you pull him in the house you lead him upstairs. Looking around for his room. This time he pulls you to his room. Releasing your hand as he enters his room and then goes into the shower.

"I need a towel woman." He says through the door he barely left open. For some reason it made a small shiver run down your spine.

You just shook your head and sighed. Pain in the ass. You though. Looking through his dresser you find a black swim trunks then place it the bed. You knew the towels were in the bathroom. So you approached the door and heard the shower running.

"The towels are in there Vegeta." You tell him.

"Wrap it around me when I get out."

You were stunned. Shocked. What is wrong with him? You weren't going to do this. "No! Your a grown man Vegeta. Wrap the towel around yourself. Your swim trunks are on the bed. I'll see you outside." Then you left. Ignoring his complaints.

When you walked outside you walked up to a tanning chair and took off your dress. Now revealing your bikini. Then taking off your flats and place them next to your bag as well.

Bulma was already in another chair getting a tan. You laid down on the chair. Closing your eyes as you relaxed. Not too long later someone was standing next to you. Opening your eyes you saw Goku looking down at you with a smile.

"Hey Y/N."

You smiled back at the goofy man. "Hey Goku." Looking into his soft eyes.

"I was told your the reason Vegeta came." Giving a small smile as he sat in the chair next to you.

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