Guessing Games with Disney Pt. 9

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Phyra Bladequill: Ach. Going to be off for a while. Annoyed with the sensitivities of humans who can't take apologies and who blow up if you don't do what they say.

Mkash: Is it bad I sometimes just throw the game around those types?

Phyra Bladequill: Mmm, a little, yes but very understandable. She unfriended me, and I'm not losing any sleep about it. So, heads-up, in case it was ever in question, no, I will not log into anyone's account ever.

Phyra Bladequill: Regardless of the reason, benign or not, for doing so. #Bladequill out

Mkash: Wait WTF happened?

firestrike123: huh league drama sounds like.

Mkash: Phyra I don't think you mean to post that here

Phyra Bladequill: I did, but in case it ever came into question, there you go. Just frustrated atm.

PikaKris17: May I say hi? :3

Phyra Bladequill: of course, dearie~

PikaKris17: I feel like I've been so inactive in this chat lately, it's weird xD

Mkash: Know the feeling Phyra

Mkash: And hi Kris. Quick pet my Shisa

PikaKris17: Time for another bout of "Disney Guessing Games"!!


PikaKris17: Don't you dare mock me with her ;-;

Tyberius11: Shisa isnt from any Disney movies though Kris xD

PikaKris17: "Every day's a little harder...As I feel my power grow..."

PikaKris17: "Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go...Into the Unknooooown!"

PikaKris17: "Into the Unknooooown!"

PikaKris17: "Into the Unknoooooowwwwnnn!"

PikaKris17: Hint: The movie isn't actually out yet 😂😂

Phyra Bladequill: oh honey I will have no clue whatsoever

Tyberius11: if its not out how would we know lol

Mkash: Frozen 2


PikaKris17: Mkash guessed it 😂😂

Phyra Bladequill: h o w

Tyberius11: from the trailer? lol

Mkash: Yes and no

Mkash: Pieces of a puzzle

PikaKris17: I'm just obsessed with this little excerpt from her new song 😂😂

Mkash: The prices, Kris is obsessed with Frozen, it is coming out soon, and it has something to do with Else's powers changing

PikaKris17: Hehe 😁😁

Mkash: Oh and the song let it grow

PikaKris17: "Grow"? 😂😂

Mkash: You know what I mean...Leave me alone

PikaKris17: Hehe 😁😁😂😂

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